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[ASTA] composite and crossbow

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  • [ASTA] composite and crossbow

    lotto 1: composite

    physical resit 13
    damage increase 39%
    hit physical area 50%
    -mage weapon 29
    swing speed increase 40%
    base: 100k

    lotto 2: crossbow

    cold resit 15
    damage increase 39%
    hit mana lech 19
    swing speed increase 40%
    base: 250k

    lotto 3: composite

    dragon slayer
    posion resit 9
    damage increase 39
    defense chance increase 20%
    hit lighning 38%
    swing speed increase 10%
    base: 100k

    lotto 4: composite

    damage increase 39
    hit dispel 32%
    hit life lech 22%
    hit stamina lech 44%
    swing speed increase 40%
    base: 250k

    rilanci min: 50k
    48h last bid
    icq: 362-665-431
    Ultima modifica di manoyeva; 12-04-2009, 19:17.

  • #2
    2 base


    special Tnx A Bufalino X la signa
    la persona intelligente, capisce quando è il caso di stare zitta.
    la persona stupida toglie sempre ogni dubbio.


    • #3
      2 300k



      • #4
        lotto 2

        ----------------Fattta io la firma!! sisi, tutta mia!----------------
        ----------------------ICQ: 196-464-027------------------------


        • #5
          lotto 2 450k



          • #6
            lotto 2 500k

            ----------------Fattta io la firma!! sisi, tutta mia!----------------
            ----------------------ICQ: 196-464-027------------------------


            • #7
              Ultima modifica di robotic; 11-04-2009, 19:23.

              Sotto questa maschera non c'è solo carne, sotto questa maschera c'è una idea... E le idee sono a prova di proiettile.

              AsDruBaLe [NeT] [ADE] [GsT] [AoT] [X-F] [KP] [ROM] [Ever]


              • #8
                lotto 2 550k



                • #9
                  2) 2kk



                  • #10
                    2 2.1kk



                    • #11
                      sorry. reading the post i found an ERROR. the lotto 2 say 39% hit mana lech, it is a ERROR. the lotto 2 is 19 hit mana lech. Sorry


                      • #12
                        Originariamente inviato da manoyeva Visualizza il messaggio
                        sorry. reading the post i found an ERROR. the lotto 2 say 39% hit mana lech, it is a ERROR. the lotto 2 is 19 hit mana lech. Sorry
                        3 - Grammar/numeric mistakes
                        Any grammatical or numerical mistake that leads to misinterpretate of what you put on the market or the value of the sale can not be disputed by anyone once an offer is made.
                        Penalty: post edit.
                        at moderator’s discretion monetary sanction.
                        So because i dont Think you have another cross with hml 39, you cant make the Auction, and you cant trade it.
                        1 - Terms of deliver and withdrawal
                        You MAY deliver/retrieve any good/service after that you reach an agreement for that good/service.
                        You MAY give/retrieve the item/service within 72hours since the trade is closed.
                        A private agreement can extend this period.
                        Penalty: monetary sanction as great as the value of the non deliverd/retrived item/service.
                        at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail in addition.
                        you cant up when you want:
                        1 - Irregular UP
                        You MAY NOT reply bumping a thread more than once in 24h since the last post in the thread.
                        NO EXCUSES will be accepted.
                        Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP".

                        Example of regular up:
                        A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00.
                        A must wait until 23.00 of the following day before upping again.

                        Example of irregular up:
                        A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00
                        A make up before 23.00 of the following day.

                        Penalty: 100k fine for every irregular up.
                        at moderator’s discretion thread closure.
                        in case of reiterated violations the total fine can be doubled.
                        at moderator’s discretion 1 day of jail for every irregular up in addition.
                        manoyeva you are a new user so only 1kk of sanction, but i suggest you to read carefully:


                        Thread Closed.
                        Lista dei Punti di Xorina
                        icq 112740352


                        Sto operando...