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[ASTA] Composites

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  • [ASTA] Composites

    lotto 1 composite

    damage increase 39%
    hit life lech 27%
    hit lower defense 44%
    luck 97
    swing speed increase 40%
    base: 600k

    lotto 2 composite

    physical resit 13%
    damage increase 39%
    hyt physical area 50%
    -mage weapons 21
    swing speed increase 40%
    base: 150k

    lotto 3 composite

    fire resist 12%
    posion resist 10%
    damage increase 39%
    faster casting 1
    swing speed increase 40%
    base: 150k

    rilanci: 100k
    IW: no
    Termine asta: 48h dopo ultima offerta

  • #2
    3 - Duty to write contacts
    The thread author is MAY WRITE a contact (msn, icq, ecc...) inside the body of the first post of the new thread at the opening of a thread.
    The answerer MAY contact the starter author through the contacts that can be found written in first thread post.
    Penalty: thread closure.
    at moderator’s discretion 100k fine in addition.
    Closed. manoyeva you must write a contact in the thread starter. You are a new member please read:
    Ultima modifica di eragon16; 07-04-2009, 20:31.
    Contattatemi per eventuali chiarimenti sul forum mercato: ICQ 391110230 oppure via PM
    Ricordate di inserire un vostro contatto all'apertura di un thread


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