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[VENDO] House

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  • [VENDO] House

    House near near) britain feluca gait
    icq 322 971 152
    scrin to icq)
    Ultima modifica di sshadi; 18-02-2009, 09:08.

  • #2


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Grimlock Visualizza il messaggio
      Clarification and rules for all threads:
      3. "Upping" a thread more than once in 24h, calculated since the last post (not necessarily by the thread starter). For example: A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00. A must wait until 23.00 of the following day before upping again. Ups posted a few time before the end of 24h. are also irregular so there is not any excuse allowed. Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP". Penalty: 100k fine and, at moderator's discretion, thread closure. The penalty will be doubled in case of keeping upping irregularly.At moderator's discretion, one-day full-account jail can be added to monetary sanction for each irregular UP.

      sshadi you are a new member so I don't want to be too strict with you. So no
      monetary sanction and no thread closure this time! Please read Market Rules and pay attention when you "Up"
      ICQ: 229 339 201
      I contatti vanno inseriti dal thread starter all'interno del testo del thread inziale al momento dell'apertura del thread stesso
      Per chiarimenti sul Regolamento Mercato
      Per chiarimenti sulle multe comminate contattatemi via PM
      [VENDO] ====> Normal Leather <==== & ====> Spined Leather <==== THE BLACK MARKET NETWORK


      • #4
        mm ok)


        • #5
          No words. Maybe you didn't understand I was serious. I hope you'll read it!

          Originariamente inviato da Grimlock Visualizza il messaggio
          Clarification and rules for all threads:
          3. "Upping" a thread more than once in 24h, calculated since the last post (not necessarily by the thread starter). For example: A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00. A must wait until 23.00 of the following day before upping again. Ups posted a few time before the end of 24h. are also irregular so there is not any excuse allowed. Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP". Penalty: 100k fine and, at moderator's discretion, thread closure. The penalty will be doubled in case of keeping upping irregularly.At moderator's discretion, one-day full-account jail can be added to monetary sanction for each irregular UP.
          Thread closed.
          ICQ: 229 339 201

          I contatti vanno inseriti dal thread starter all'interno del testo del thread inziale al momento dell'apertura del thread stesso
          Per chiarimenti sul Regolamento Mercato
          Per chiarimenti sulle multe comminate contattatemi via PM
          [VENDO] ====> Normal Leather <==== & ====> Spined Leather <==== THE BLACK MARKET NETWORK


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