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[ASTA] Diverse armi Fencing SC UBWS

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  • [ASTA] Diverse armi Fencing SC UBWS

    Lotto numero 1
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Hit Fireball 26%
    Hit Lower Defense 42%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 48 / 48

    Lotto numero 2
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Energy Resist 10%
    Hit Dispel 44%
    Hit Stamina Leech 20%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 39 / 39

    Lotto numero 3
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Hit Chance Increase 9%
    Hit Lower Attack 26%
    Hit Magic Arrow 28%
    Swing Speed Increase 15%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 43 / 106

    Lotto numero 4
    Dull Copper Kryss
    Crafted By Kim
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Demon Slayer
    Damage Increase 35%
    Lower Requirements 50%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 12
    Weapon Speed 2s
    Strength Requirement 5
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 176 / 255

    Lotto numero 5
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Hit Dispel 38%
    Hit Mana Leech 24%
    Swing Speed Increase 20%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 12
    Weapon Speed 2s
    Strength Requirement 10
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 46 / 119

    Lotto numero 6
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Physical Resist 6%
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Faster Casting 1
    Hit Mana Leech 21%
    Swing Speed Increase 15%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 12
    Weapon Speed 2s
    Strength Requirement 10
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 71 / 71

    Lotto numero 7
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Hit Magic Arrow 20%
    Hit Mana Leech 33%
    Swing Speed Increase 10%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 47 / 65

    Lotto numero 8
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Hit Chance Increase 6%
    Spell Channeling
    Swing Speed Increase 30%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 98 / 98

    Lotto numero 9
    Dull Copper Kryss
    Crafted By Night
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Damage Increase 35%
    Hit Dispel 24%
    Lower Requirements 50%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 12
    Weapon Speed 2s
    Strength Requirement 5
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 194 / 194

    Lotto numero 10
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Damage Increase 10%
    Defense Chance Increase 8%
    Hit Magic Arrow 34%
    Hit Mana Leech 27%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 85 / 87

    Lotto numero 11
    Valorite War Fork
    Crafted By Bambola Ramona
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Damage Increase 35%
    Hit Life Leech 27%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 40%
    Fire Damage 10%
    Cold Damage 20%
    Poison Damage 10%
    Energy Damage 20%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 46 / 46

    Lotto numero 12
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Poison Resist 10%
    Damage Increase 37%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 12
    Weapon Speed 2s
    Strength Requirement 10
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 76 / 76

    Lotto numero 13
    War Fork
    Weight: 9 Stones
    Fire Elemental Slayer
    Hit Chance Increase 8%
    Hit Dispel 42%
    Spell Channeling
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12 - 13
    Weapon Speed 2.5s
    Strength Requirement 45
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 76 / 76

    Lotto numero 14
    Weight: 2 Stones
    Poison Resist 12%
    Use Best Weapon Skill
    Damage Increase 42%
    Swing Speed Increase 15%
    Physical Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 10 - 12
    Weapon Speed 2s
    Strength Requirement 10
    One-Handed Weapon
    Skill Required: Fencing
    Durability 85 / 85



    Base: 50K
    Rilanci: 50K
    Instant Win: NO
    Termine asta: 24h duo valida


    Originariamente inviato da Amdir
    E' inutile che l'abboff e rum, nu s*runz n'addivent babba'!
    (e' inutile che ti ostini ad inzupparlo di rhum, una me*da non ha nessua possibilita' di tramutarsi in un babba')
    Amdir il saggio

  • #2
    base lotto 8

    contatto msn


    • #3
      base 3
      icq 199125697


      • #4
        lotto 8 100k
        THE END


        • #5
          base (50k) per lotto n° 2

          300k per lotto n° 8
          ICQ: 229 339 201

          I contatti vanno inseriti dal thread starter all'interno del testo del thread inziale al momento dell'apertura del thread stesso
          Per chiarimenti sul Regolamento Mercato
          Per chiarimenti sulle multe comminate contattatemi via PM
          [VENDO] ====> Normal Leather <==== & ====> Spined Leather <==== THE BLACK MARKET NETWORK


          • #6
            base lotti 1 e 10


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da Grimlock Visualizza il messaggio
              Chiarimenti e regole base per tutti i Thread:
              4. Il THREAD STARTER è OBBLIGATO a mettere un suo contatto nel thread al momento dell'apertura dello stesso; chi COMPRA/VENDE è OBBLIGATO a contattarlo su quel contatto (sia esso msn o icq la scelta va allo starter). In caso di apertura di thread senza il contatto del thread starter lo stesso verrà chiuso.
              Chiudo. Ricordati di postare i contatti all'interno del thread iniziale.

              Chiedo scusa perché non me ne sono accorto prima! Gli item da me vinti non sono stati ritirati, anche perché il thread starter non risponde. Onde evitare che si dica che me ne approfitto, chiudo e invito chiunque a controllare se ciò che dico è vero o falso.
              Sempre a disposizione.
              ICQ: 229 339 201
              I contatti vanno inseriti dal thread starter all'interno del testo del thread inziale al momento dell'apertura del thread stesso
              Per chiarimenti sul Regolamento Mercato
              Per chiarimenti sulle multe comminate contattatemi via PM
              [VENDO] ====> Normal Leather <==== & ====> Spined Leather <==== THE BLACK MARKET NETWORK


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