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    p.s. hate wasting time. just send me link in icq to ingame auction with iw

    What is forbidden in every thread:

    6. You MUST NOT ask the thread starter for calling you on ICQ/msn/etc to reach an agreement outside the forum. Penalty: reply edit, and 1 day full account jail at moderator's discretion.
    Ultima modifica di Ospite; 27-10-2008, 13:25.

  • #2
    MARKET RULES 5/08/08

    The use of the Market-Forum is restricted to purchases/sales or exchanges of ingame existing objects. Any thread which includes real items or "not-in-game” items will be considered as a violation of the marketplace rules and will be closed.
    The use of euros or any other way of real payment is absolutely forbidden. It is also prohibited to keep more than three threads opened in the same section of the marketplace.
    [CERCO] ([SEEK]): In this kind of thread you can ask for a particular item that can be bought ONLY using the auction system, and who answers can post the link to its own in-game auction.
    you MUST NOT write your contacts (like ICQ, MSN or other), or have them in your signature.
    Penalty: pecuniary sanction or jail.
    Your infraction was not an oversight. fnurov 1 day of jail.

    Thread closed.
    Ultima modifica di Ospite; 27-10-2008, 13:19.


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