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[COMPRO] 5 Barbed Runic Kits for SOS +25

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  • [COMPRO] 5 Barbed Runic Kits for SOS +25


    p.s. to moderator :

    - Can I Auction/Sale/Trade an artifact using another section of the market forum?

    SoS isn't arifact or artefact.
    ars and factum - in other words - hand made.
    Sop is a gift of god =)
    Totem - hand made bears skin cap. =)

    ar·ti·fact also ar·te·fact (är'tə-fākt')

    1. An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical interest.
    2. Something viewed as a product of human conception or agency rather than an inherent element: "The very act of looking at a naked model was an artifact of male supremacy" (Philip Weiss).
    3. A structure or feature not normally present but visible as a result of an external agent or action, such as one seen in a microscopic specimen after fixation, or in an image produced by radiology or electrocardiography.
    4. An inaccurate observation, effect, or result, especially one resulting from the technology used in scientific investigation or from experimental error: The apparent pattern in the data was an artifact of the collection method.

  • #2

    If you have some question Write a PM dont make others Threads, Duku closed u a Similar Thread For The same error.

    6h of jail to give you time to read very carefully the rules:

    Thread Closed.

    BTW that kind of Thread isnt COMPRO but SCAMBIO (trade).

    4. The thread author is obblied to specify the way he wants to be contacted by (ICQ/MSN/ecc), as soon as he opens the thread.
    You didnt Write a number of icq/msn or what you want...
    Ultima modifica di Lord_Of_Cove; 16-08-2008, 17:32.
    Lista dei Punti di Xorina
    icq 112740352


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