cdt ring:
Damage increase 21
defense chance infrease 10%
dexterity bonus 6
faster casting 1
faster casting recoverity 2
base d'asta 500k
rilanci minimi 50k
termine d'asta: 48h d.u.o. valida no iw
i'm sorry but this sunday i have to go out for 2 weeks, the winner of this auction can have this ring from my friend.
Damage increase 21
defense chance infrease 10%
dexterity bonus 6
faster casting 1
faster casting recoverity 2
base d'asta 500k
rilanci minimi 50k
termine d'asta: 48h d.u.o. valida no iw
i'm sorry but this sunday i have to go out for 2 weeks, the winner of this auction can have this ring from my friend.