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Market Rules

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  • Market Rules

    MARKET RULES 5/08/08

    The use of the Market-Forum is restricted to purchases/sales or exchanges of ingame existing objects. Any thread which includes real items or "not-in-game” items will be considered as a violation of the marketplace rules and will be closed.
    The use of euros or any other way of real payment is absolutely forbidden. It is also prohibited to keep more than three threads opened in the same section of the marketplace.

    What is forbidden in every thread:

    1. Not using an allowed tag in the thread title: [ASTA] ([AUCTION]), [VENDO] ([SALE]),[COMPRO] ([BUY]), [PUBBLICITÀ] ([ADVERTISING]), [SCAMBIO] ([TRADE]), [GAME] ([GAME]), [CERCO] ([SEEK]). Lower cases, non squared parenthesis, union of 2 or more tags are not allowed (for example a TAG like this or other combinations are not allowed: [COMPRO/SCAMBIO]). Penalty: Thread closure.
    2. Thread titles which do not describe properly the thread content. Penalty: Thread closure plus, 100k fine at moderator’s discretion.
    3. "Upping" a thread more than once in 24h, calculated since the last post (not necessarily by the thread starter). For example: A opens a thread at 21.00, B makes an offer at 23.00. A must wait until 23.00 of the following day before upping again. Ups posted a few time before the end of 24h. are also irregular so there is not any excuse allowed. Replies like "delivered", "updated", etc are also considered as irregular "UP". Penalty: 100k fine and, at moderator's discretion, thread closure. The penalty will be doubled in case of keeping upping irregularly.At moderator's discretion, one-day full-account jail can be added to monetary sanction for each irregular UP.
    4. You MUST NOT reply for reasons which do not regard the thread's intention, and you MUST NOT judge the thread starter's choices. Penalty: vulgar replies will be edited, and 6hours full account jail at moderator's discretion.
    5. You MUST NOT ask for ICQ or MSN or other when the thread ends (for example after somebody wins an auction). Penalty: reply edit, and 50k at moderator's discretion.
    6. You MUST NOT ask the thread starter for calling you on ICQ/msn/etc to reach an agreement outside the forum. Penalty: reply edit, and 1 day full account jail at moderator's discretion.
    7. You MUST NOT deny anybody the right to take part in any trade. Penalty: thread closure and 100k ticket.
    8. You must write clearly the bid in an auction, without words as "rilancio", etc. Penalty: Bid cancellation and pecuniary sanction (50k).

    Clarification and rules for all threads:

    1. A thread will be considered closed 72 hours after the last post until the author decides to up it again.
    2. You cannot modifiy grammar/syntax/numerical mistakes in the first post of your thread after a regular offer is done.
    3. You can stablish the minimal bid, but it does not mean that is a compulsory value. For example, if the minimum value is 1k, you can still raise offers by 2k o more.
    4. The thread author is obblied to specify the way he wants to be contacted by (ICQ/MSN/ecc), as soon as he opens the thread.
    5. The STAFF has full decisional power in situations which aren't expected from these rules.

    [ASTA] ([AUCTION]): in this type of thread there is an auction base (mandatory) and participants offer more and more in order to win the item, following the thread starter's rules (who cannot modify the rules after somebody makes a valid offer). Rules:

    1. Users who take part in an auction MUST have the exact amount of money/items offered to the auctioneer. When you make an offer you MUST have the money/items on your account; if you would not have the money/items while doing a random check, you'll receive a pecuniary sanction of the same value of your offer. So be careful!
    Example: A offers 10kk; B raises the offer to 11kk; A and B, if checked, must have that money on their account as soon as they make the offer. This is thought out in order to limit people who make offers for "friendship" just to raise an item price, without owning money enough to buy it. If you do not have the money, then don’t take part to the auction!!
    2. You may NOT set up an auction to last longer than 7 days. The auction end is the time that must pass after the last valid offer to make it a winning offer. If an auction end is not specified, it will be considered 24hours as default. Penalty: thread closure.
    3. You MUST post an auction base price. Penalty: thread closure.
    4. You may NOT modify the auction rules after the first valid bid. Penalty: thread closure and pecuniary sanction.
    5. You may NOT close your auction after someone has made a bid. Penalty: thread closure and pecuniary sanction.
    6. You may NOT modify or cancel your offer if more than two hours have passed since you’ve made it. Penalty: pecuniary sanction or jail.
    7. You may NOT trade an item outside the forum (ICQ/MSN/etc) if it’s under auctioning. The only exception you have is when no one has already made an offer: in that case you have to close the thread and then you can trade your item as you want. Penalty: thread closure and pecuniary sanction.
    8. You MUST give/retrieve the won item within 72hours (but the auctioneer may decide to give you longer time than 72h). Penalty: pecuniary sanction or jail.
    9. You may NOT re-open an auction after it has been closed, setting the base price as the last offer of the closed auction. Penalty: thread closure and, in case of reiterated violations, pecuniary sanction.

    If a moderator closes your thread, you are free to make whatever you want with the auction item. If you reply in an invalid thread, you may suffer the consequences.

    [VENDO] ([SALE]): in this kind of thread you sell one or more items at a fixed price. Rules:

    1. You may NOT open a sale thread without specifying a price for an item. Penalty: thread closure and 100k ticket.
    2. You may NOT write about extra-forum contacts (like ICQ, MSN or other). Penalty: 1 day full account jail.
    3. 3. If you make an offer, you can edit/delete it only WITHIN 2 hours. This rule is applyed even if the offer doesn't fulfill the initial request, in that case the 3d starter can accept it WITHIN 48h, after that period the offer becomes invalid. Penalty: pecuniary sanction or jail.
    4. You must deliver/claim the item that you sold/bought. The DEADLINE for delivering/claiming all items is 72 hours after the item has been sold/bought, unless otherwise specified by the seller. Penalty: thread closure, pecuniary sanction or jail.

    [COMPRO] ([BUY]): in this kind of thread you announce that you are looking for a specific item, specifying how much money you will offer and the evaluation of the items that users can offer you. Rules:

    1. You MUST specify how much money you’d like to spend. Penalty: thread closure and 100k.
    2. You may NOT ask people to trade outside the forum (ICQ/MSN/etc). Penalty: 1 day full account jail.
    3. 3. If you make an offer, you can edit/delete it only WITHIN 2 hours. This rule is applyed even if the offer doesn't fulfill the initial request, in that case the 3d starter can accept it WITHIN 48h, after that period the offer becomes invalid. Penalty: pecuniary sanction or jail.

    [PUBBLICITÀ] ([ADVERTISING]): in this kind of thread you can advertise your in-game vendor or an on-request service (for example "I sell leather at 40gp on request").

    [CERCO] ([SEEK]): In this kind of thread you can ask for a particular item that can be bought ONLY using the auction system, and who answers can post the link to its own in-game auction.
    It's NOT allowed to post other information together with the link of the auction, and you MUST NOT write your contacts (like ICQ, MSN or other), or have them in your signature.
    You CAN open this kind of thread ONLY in the "auctioneer" section of the Market Forum
    Penalty: pecuniary sanction or jail.
    Ultima modifica di Duku; 05-08-2008, 13:04.

  • #2
    [SCAMBIO] ([TRADE]): in this kind of thread you can propose a trade between items. You must specify exactly which items is in your possession and want to trade, and give a monetary evaluation for the items you are searching for. For example: "i give away totem (50kk) and search for 120 fencing (10kk), hat of the magi (20kk), sos+25 (20kk)". Rules:
    1. You MUST specify the items you want to trade and the items you're looking for. Penalty: thread closure and 100k.
    2. You may NOT ask users to trade outside the forum on ICQ/MSN/etc. Penalty: 1 day full account jail.
    3. If you reply for a trade, but then change idea, you MUST edit your reply within 2 hours. Penalty: pecuniary sanction or jail.
    4. You must write an evaluation of the items that you’re looking for and for the one that you're offering. Penalty: thread closure and 100k.

    [GAME]: in this kind of thread you may put a link (on web) about the auction system and, possibly, you can add details, like the bod type or the item color. In this kind of thread you CANNOT:

    1. Avoid to post a link to the auction. Penalty: thread closure.
    2. Write wrong informations about the linked item.
    3. Accept extra-forum agreements, this means outside forum (icq, in game, ecc), when the auction begins. You can remove the item for auction only when nobody bids for it and write exactly which item is no longer sold even if it's a single item auction, in order to avoid mistakes. Penalty: thread closure and pecuniary sanction.
    4. Open auctions that starts from bids taken from a previous closed auction. Penalty: thread closure and, if reiterative, pecuniary sanction.
    5. Give your icq, mail, msn address or show them in signature. Everything is done by the auction system, you don't need to call the seller or the buyer. Penalty: thread closure and, in recidive cases, pecuniary sanction.

    You CAN open this kind of thread ONLY in the "auctioneer" section of the Market Forum. Penalty: thread closure and, in recidive cases, pecuniary sanction.

    Other kinds of thread will not be accepted in the market forum

    Monetary fines & Jail:

    The amount of the monetary fine is based on the amount of damage caused by breaking one of the rules of the Forum Market, eg.: if an offer for an item of value of 1kk is withdrawn, the fine will be proportional to such value. In case of auctions the damage will be quantified according to the value of the base price of the item (if there aren't valid offers) or the value that the item reaches (in the last bid) in the auction. The entity of the fine can go from a minimum of 70% to a maximum of 100% of the caused damage, at moderator’s discretion. If the transgressor can’t afford to pay the fine, his whole account will be put in jail for a period that will vary from a minimum of 1 day, depending on the gravity of the monetary fine, or in worst cases his account will be wiped.

    Auctioneer's Rules

    Every attemp to misrepresent a Game-Auction giving wrong descriptions will be punished with: cancellation of the auction plus 10-day full-account jail
    Ultima modifica di genesistona; 12-08-2008, 11:20.


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