interes --monili -- ring and brace hci dci fc lmc , barbet kit min. 10 , money 33kk ,weapon for mace (usbw war fork and kryss and clever interes), scudo for mage 15 15 sc , good ithem armor
ICQ in profile
[COMPRO] ([BUY]): in this kind of thread you announce that you are looking for a specific item, specifying how much money you will offer and the evaluation of the items that users can offer you. Rules:
1. You MUST specify how much money you’d like to spend. Penalty: thread closure and 100k.
So Vantus is sanctioned with an amount of 100k. Thread Closed.
ICQ: 393653956 Gingillo's Desing.
Lord_Of_Cove è un uomo irregolare.