1. You MUST use a tag for your topic: [ASTA] ([AUCTION]), [VENDO] ([SALE]),[COMPRO] ([BUY]), [PUBBLICITÀ] ([ADVERTISING]), [SCAMBIO] ([TRADE]). You may not use lowercase letters or other brackets than []. Also, you can use only one tag. For example, [trade] or (TRADE) or [TRADE/BUY] are all INVALID tags. Penalty: thread closure.
[COMPRO] ([BUY]): iin this kind of thread you announce that you are looking for a specific item, specifying how much money you offer and the evaluation of the items that users can offer you.
1. You MUST specify how much money you will give out, and you may NOT ask people to trade outside the forum (ICQ/MSN/etc). Penalty: thread closure and 50k.
There is no sanction this time, but take a look at the rules. Thread Closed.
ICQ: 393653956 Gingillo's Desing.
Lord_Of_Cove è un uomo irregolare.