I shall sell Armor of Fortune 25kk or I Shall exchange on Shroud of Shadows + Efirka Horses
Artifact Rarity 11
Luck 200
Defense Chance Increase 15 %
Lower Reagent Cost of 40 %
Physical Resist of 2 %
Fire Resist of 4 %
Cold Resist of 3 %
Poison Resist of 3 %
Energy Resist of 4 %
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 35
Durability 255
Artifact Rarity 11
Luck 200
Defense Chance Increase 15 %
Lower Reagent Cost of 40 %
Physical Resist of 2 %
Fire Resist of 4 %
Cold Resist of 3 %
Poison Resist of 3 %
Energy Resist of 4 %
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 35
Durability 255