Artifact Rarity 10
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 17%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 70
Durability 255
Pet Ethereo (15kk,2 max)
sos+25 (15kk ,2 max)
Runik Barbed Kit (12kk)
Composite Bow DI =>20% Hit MAgic =>40% Hml => 40 Swing Speed => 25% (50kk) (The bow doesn´t have to be exactly like this,but it has to be similar,I valued it for 50kk)
Gloves mr 2 18/18/-/-/18 (5kk)
Leggins mr 2 18/18/-/-/18 (5kk)
Totem (80kk)
BASE: totem (80kk)
IW:no IW
L'asta Finisce 7 giorni dopo l'ultima offerta.
Base Asta: Totem
Rilancio Minimo: 1kk
Iw: NO