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[SCAMBIO] Exiler & other minors tokuno x Stormgrip

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  • [SCAMBIO] Exiler & other minors tokuno x Stormgrip

    The others minor are Hanzo Bow, Demon Forks and No-Dachi.

    Exiler + Hanzo Bow + Demon Forks + No-Dachi x Stormgrip

    ICQ: 334-372-976

    ICQ Number : 334-372-976

  • #2
    ok but no-dachi isn't a tokuno lesser, u take me another lesser.

    icq 237 583 023
    Ultima modifica di Ras_Walnut; 18-06-2006, 14:44.

    Originariamente inviato da GiNgErSLyEaN
    Shinji Ito la reputo uno dei peggiori player di UoDreams per il suo stile di gioco


    • #3
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      Title edited!
      ICQ 716489911
      Discord Traif#4427


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