Compro casse Paragon da :
Ancient Wyrm - Balron - Betrayer - Blood Elemental - Ethereal Warrior -Meer Eternal - Poison Elemental - Rotting Corpse - Skeletal Dragon - Succubus - Titan
e se per caso vi trovate delle casse che quando provate ad aprirele vi dice "This lock cannot be picked by normal means..." e non riuscite ad aprirle ... compro anche quelle...
postate con vostro icq o contattatemi in icq allo : 9724304
I buy Paragon chest from:
Ancient Wyrm - Balron - Betrayer - Blood Elemental - Ethereal Warrior - Meer Eternal - Poison Elemental - Rotting Corpse - Skeletal Dragon - Succubus - Titan
and if found a chest when try to lockpiking and says "This to you lock cannot be picked by normal means..." and not succeeded to open them... I buy also those...
postate with yours icq or you contact to me in icq to: 9724304
Sorry for bad english
Ancient Wyrm - Balron - Betrayer - Blood Elemental - Ethereal Warrior -Meer Eternal - Poison Elemental - Rotting Corpse - Skeletal Dragon - Succubus - Titan
e se per caso vi trovate delle casse che quando provate ad aprirele vi dice "This lock cannot be picked by normal means..." e non riuscite ad aprirle ... compro anche quelle...
postate con vostro icq o contattatemi in icq allo : 9724304
I buy Paragon chest from:
Ancient Wyrm - Balron - Betrayer - Blood Elemental - Ethereal Warrior - Meer Eternal - Poison Elemental - Rotting Corpse - Skeletal Dragon - Succubus - Titan
and if found a chest when try to lockpiking and says "This to you lock cannot be picked by normal means..." and not succeeded to open them... I buy also those...
postate with yours icq or you contact to me in icq to: 9724304
Sorry for bad english