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    The Marketplace Forum is to be used for the trading of UO items only. Any threads concerning real life or non-UO items will be closed. It's strictly prohibited to request payments or make offers in real life money (e.g. Euro, $, or any other value).

    The following actions are forbidden in ALL threads:

    1. Using tags other than: [AUCTION] ([ASTA]), [SALE] ([VENDO]), [BUY] ([COMPRO]), [ADVERTISING] ([PUBBLICITÀ]), [TRADE] ([SCAMBIO]) in the title. Lowercase characters, different brackets or other styles are not allowed. Penalty: thread closing and, at moderator’s discretion, 50k fine.
    2. Not specifying what item the thread is about in the thread title (e.g. "selling", "nice stuff" are not valid titles, "leggings lrc lmc" is ok). Penalty: thread closing and, at moderator’s discretion, 50k fine.
    3. "Upping" a thread if the last post (whoever did it) is less than 24 hours old. Penalty: post editing and, in case of repeated violation, Spammer mark. If the violation is made by the thread starter, the thread will be closed.
    4. Posting anything irrelevant to the thread, including personal opinions on the thread starter's choices of price, sell/buy method, etc. Penalty: post editing and, at moderator’s discretion, Spammer mark.
    5. Posting asking repeatedly for ways to contact the buyer/highest bidder/auctioneer once the auction or trade has ended. Penalty: post editing and, at moderator’s discretion, 50k fine.

    There are only 5 thread types allowed on the marketplace forum. Here is a detailed description for each:

    [ASTA] (or [AUCTION]): The thread starter sets price and auction rules, and buyers can post bids. Whoever posts the highest bid wins the item.

    Auctioneers and users bidding on auctions must abide by the following rules:

    1. You may not create auctions that last more than 7 days. If the ending is not specified, the auction will end 24 hours after the last valid offer.Penalty: thread closing.
    2. You may not create auctions without initial bids. Penalty: thread closing.
    3. You may not edit auction rules when one or more bids have already been placed. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, thread closing, monetary fine.
    4. You may not withdraw one or more items from an auction when one or more bids have already been placed. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, thread closing, monetary fine.
    5. You may not cancel your bid if it's older than 2 hours. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, monetary fine or jail.
    6. You may not make any sort of agreement outside the forum (e.g. ICQ, MSN, in game, etc.) once the auction has begun. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, thread closing, monetary fine.
    7. You must deliver/claim the item that you auctioned/bid for. The DEADLINE for delivering/claiming all items is 72 hours after the auction has ended, unless otherwise specified by the auctioneer. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, thread closing, monetary fine or jail.
    8. You must specify which item you're bidding for if more than one item is being auctioned in the same auction. Penalty: the bid will be invalidated.
    9. You may not resume auctions from closed threads. Penalty: thread closing and, in case of repeated violation, monetary fine.

    NOTE: If an auction thread is closed by a moderator for any reason, the seller has the right to decide whether to accept the last offer or not. Bidders posting on potentially invalid threads (e.g. thread with irregular tags, thousands of ups and so on) do so at their own risk. Complaints on this matter will not be answered to.

    [b][VENDITA][b] (or [SALE]): in this thread a person can sell an object at a fixed price.

    Sellers and buyers must abide by the following rules:

    1. Sellers must specify a selling price, and must not ask for agreements outside the forum (ICQ, MSN, in-game and so on). [COLOR=crimson]Penalty: thread closing and 50k fine.
    2. Buyers may not cancel their offer if it's older than 2 hours. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, monetary fine or jail.
    3. You must deliver/claim the item that you sold/bought. The DEADLINE for delivering/claiming all items is 72 hours after the item has been sold/bought, unless otherwise specified by the seller. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, thread closing, monetary fine or jail.

    [COMPRO] (or [BUY]): in this thread an user can search for an object, specifying the payment availability and requirements.

    Buyers and sellers must abide by the following rules:

    1. Buyers must specify a buying price, and must not ask for agreements outside the forum (ICQ, MSN, in-game and so on). Penalty: thread closing and 50k fine.
    2. Sellers may not cancel their offer if it's older than 2 hours. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, monetary fine or jail.

    [PUBBLICITÀ] (or [ADVERTISING]): this is useful if you have an in-game vendor and want to advertise where it is and what it sells.

    [SCAMBIO] (or [TRADE]): in this thread users may request trades, specifying exactly what they're looking for and what they're willing to trade for it.

    Traders must abide by the following rules:

    1. You must specify exactly what you are looking for and what you will trade for it, and must not ask for agreements outside the forum (ICQ, MSN, in-game and so on). Penalty: thread closing and 50k fine.
    2. You may not cancel your offer if it's older than 2 hours. Penalty: Blacklist insertion, monetary fine or jail.

    No other thread types are allowed in the marketplace forum.

    Monetary fines & Jail:
    The amount of the fine is based on the gravity of the economic damage done to the seller/buyer due to the violation of one (or more) Forum rules. For example, if you cancel a 1kk bid for an item, the fine will be proportional to that value.
    If the item is being auctioned, the fine will be proportional to the initial price.
    The amount of the fine can vary between 50% and 100% of the economic damage done.
    If there isn’t enough money in the bank box, the whole account will be jailed for 3 days.
    For violations that have direct jail as a possible penalty, the user's whole behaviour history will be taken into consideration. If the user has a history of violating forum rules, their whole account will be jailed for one day.

    NOTE: BlackList [BL] is a list of “potential” not reliable users on MarketPlace Forum.
    Violating points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of “auctions rules” and points 2, 3 of “selling rules” will cause blacklist insertion.
    Ultima modifica di Spacio; 12-07-2005, 14:40.
    Spacio [KP]
    ICQ#: 21828393
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