Luna lance (50k)
Night's kiss(45k)
artict death delear(60k)
Nox Ranger's heavy crossbow(70k)
bow of the juka king (80k)
staff of power(40k)
cavorting club(40k)
pixie swatter(60k)
enchanted titan leg bone(50k)
orchis visage(50k)
wrath of the dryad((80k)
Tutti durability 255/255
Vendo anke:
Black Lotus Hood (rossa)255/255 (150k)
Night's kiss(45k)
artict death delear(60k)
Nox Ranger's heavy crossbow(70k)
bow of the juka king (80k)
staff of power(40k)
cavorting club(40k)
pixie swatter(60k)
enchanted titan leg bone(50k)
orchis visage(50k)
wrath of the dryad((80k)
Tutti durability 255/255
Vendo anke:
Black Lotus Hood (rossa)255/255 (150k)