Nox Ranger Heavy Crossbow 20k (x5)
Phillip's Wooden Steed 10k
Polar Bear Mask (bianca) 30k
Blaze of Death 15k
Enchanted titan leg Bone 10k
Violet Courage 60k (x2) (entrambi i colori)
Night's Kiss 20k (x2)
Talon Bite 30k
Artic Death Dealer (nera) 15k
Cavorting club 25k
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Phillip's Wooden Steed 10k
Polar Bear Mask (bianca) 30k
Blaze of Death 15k
Enchanted titan leg Bone 10k
Violet Courage 60k (x2) (entrambi i colori)
Night's Kiss 20k (x2)
Talon Bite 30k
Artic Death Dealer (nera) 15k
Cavorting club 25k
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