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[SCAMBIO]Tuo Exiler...

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  • [SCAMBIO]Tuo Exiler...

    scambiato, chiudo

    Scambio tuo
    Demon Slayer
    Hit Dispel 33%
    Swing Speed Increase 20%
    Damage Increase 40%
    Energy Damage 100%
    Weapon Damage 12-14
    Weapon Speed 45
    Strength Requirement 35
    Two-Handed Weapon
    Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
    Durability 255

    con due miei Gloves Of The Sun: (Original Color e Durability 255/255)
    Hit Point Regeneration 2
    Night Sight
    Lower Mana Cost 5%
    Lower Reagent Cost 18%
    Physical Resist 2%
    Fire Resist 24%
    Cold Resist 3%
    Poison Resist 3%
    Energy Resist 3%
    Strength Requirement 10
    Durability 255

    Contatti in profilo!
    Ultima modifica di xxDeathSoulxx; 29-08-2007, 18:56.
    I am tired, I am weary
    I could sleep for a thousand years
    A thousand dreams that would awake me
    Different colors made of tears

    Velvet Underground

  • #2
    te lo do io


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