Gold Bricks (x3) 15k ognuno
Phillip's Wooden Steed (x2) 10k ognuno [1 venduto]
Violet Courage (x3) 70k ognuno
Blaze of Death (x3) 40k ognuno
Polar Bear Mask (x2) 50k ognuno
Arctic Death Dealer (x2) 30k ognuno
Wrath Of The Dryad 80k
Bow Of The Juka King 50k
Gwenno's Harp 30k
Lolo's Lute 30k
Pixie Swatter 20k
Burglar's Bandana (x2) 30k ognuno [1 venduta]
Hearth of the lion 300k
Eventualmente li vendo tutti a 900k!!!
Lasciate contatto
Mio icq 287-775-862
Gold Bricks (x3) 15k ognuno
Phillip's Wooden Steed (x2) 10k ognuno [1 venduto]
Violet Courage (x3) 70k ognuno
Blaze of Death (x3) 40k ognuno
Polar Bear Mask (x2) 50k ognuno
Arctic Death Dealer (x2) 30k ognuno
Wrath Of The Dryad 80k
Bow Of The Juka King 50k
Gwenno's Harp 30k
Lolo's Lute 30k
Pixie Swatter 20k
Burglar's Bandana (x2) 30k ognuno [1 venduta]
Hearth of the lion 300k
Eventualmente li vendo tutti a 900k!!!
Lasciate contatto
Mio icq 287-775-862