Metto all'asta un Heart of the Lion
Base Asta: 600k
Rilanci Minimi: 50k
Instant Win: uno tra i seguenti:
- 1,3kk
- Gloves of The Pugilist+100k
- Dread Pirate Hat con +10 Swordmanship
In questo caso in cambio offro:
- Heart of the Lion
- Shield of Invulnerability
- Bow of the Juka King
- Cassa di Balron Paragon (ovviamente mai aperta)
- In accordo, soldi
- Cold Blood
Per quest'ultimo cedo:
- Heart of the Lion
- Shield of Invulnerability
- Bow of The Juka King
- In accordo, soldi
- Captain Quacklebush's Cutlass
In questo ultimo caso cedo:
- Heart of the Lion
- Shield of Invulnerability
- Bow of the Juka King
- Una cassa da Paragon Balron (mai aperta)
- In accordo, soldi
Luck 95
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Lower Requirements 100%
Mage Armor
Durability 255
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Lower Requirements 100%
Mage Armor
Durability 255
Rilanci Minimi: 50k
Instant Win: uno tra i seguenti:
- 1,3kk
- Gloves of The Pugilist+100k
- Dread Pirate Hat con +10 Swordmanship
In questo caso in cambio offro:
- Heart of the Lion
- Shield of Invulnerability
- Bow of the Juka King
- Cassa di Balron Paragon (ovviamente mai aperta)
- In accordo, soldi
- Cold Blood
Per quest'ultimo cedo:
- Heart of the Lion
- Shield of Invulnerability
- Bow of The Juka King
- In accordo, soldi
- Captain Quacklebush's Cutlass
In questo ultimo caso cedo:
- Heart of the Lion
- Shield of Invulnerability
- Bow of the Juka King
- Una cassa da Paragon Balron (mai aperta)
- In accordo, soldi