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[VENDO] Artefatti

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  • [VENDO] Artefatti

    1) Arctic Death Dealer 70K (1pz)

    2) Enchanted Titan Leg Bone 50K (VENDUTO)

    3) Wrath of the Dryad (2pz) 50K

    4) Gwenno's Harp (1pz) 30K

    5) Iolo's Lute (2pz) 30K

    6) Phillip's Wooden Steed (VENDUTI) 30K

    Per l'acquisto contattatemi voi in icq specificando l'oggetto acquistato e l'orario in cui siete online per la consegna.
    Mio ICQ in profilo.
    Ultima modifica di 3r0oTo05; 27-03-2005, 20:31.
    Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
    To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force

  • #2
    Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
    To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


    • #3
      prendo il Titan Leg bone
      C'avevo la donna sgrava,ma nn l'ho insurata e me l'han lootata a Bucca


      • #4
        Edit delle quantita'.
        Abbassato prezzo Lion.
        Inserito sconto incrementale.
        Ultima modifica di 3r0oTo05; 15-03-2005, 16:25.
        Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
        To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


        • #5
          Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
          To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


          • #6
            Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
            To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


            • #7
              io prendo Phillip's Wooden Steed


              • #8
                Venduto un Wooden Steed.
                Aggiornate quantita' e abbassati i prezzi di Lute, Harp e Arctic Death Dealer.
                Tolto Heart of the Lion per mancanza di richiesta.
                Ultima modifica di 3r0oTo05; 17-03-2005, 17:31.
                Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
                To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


                • #9
                  mio l'altro cavallo di legno

                  icq 219-470-388

                  A volte tornano....


                  • #10
                    Venduto altro Wooden Steed.
                    Aggiornate quantita'.
                    Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
                    To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


                    • #11
                      Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
                      To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


                      • #12
                        Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
                        To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


                        • #13
                          Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
                          To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


                          • #14
                            che proprietà ha la wrath?
                            Tua madre ce l'ha molto con me
                            perchè sono sposato e in più canto
                            però canto bene e non so se tua madre
                            sia altrettanto capace a vergognarsi di me


                            • #15
                              Hit Chance 15%
                              Dam Inc. 40
                              Hit Lightning 33%
                              Hit Mana Leech 50%
                              Poison damage 100%
                              Weapon Dam. 15-17
                              Weapon Speed 33
                              Strenght Req. 20
                              Two Handed Weapon
                              Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
                              To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


                              Sto operando...