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[VENDO] ARTE DOOM Insight-Jackal-Vile-Nobility-Frost-Ornate-Dragon Slayer
[VENDO] ARTE DOOM Insight-Jackal-Vile-Nobility-Frost-Ornate-Dragon Slayer
Ultima modifica di jfree; 06-05-2007, 07:59.
ICQ 349070805
Mss "LUCK" Helios :Jackal's Collar, Ornament of Magincian, 2 Leggings of Bane, Ring of Vile, 2 Bone Crusher, Serpent Fang, 2 Bracelet of Health, Divine Countenance, Frostbringer, Hunter's Headdress, Staff of The Magi, 2 Dragon Slayer, Voice Of The Fallen King
14/08/2005 5:30 Gauntlets of Nobility 14/08/2005 16:45 Leggings of Bane
03/09/2005 7:30 Staff of The Magi 03/09/2005 20:40 Dragon Slayer (4°) 05/09/2005 02:30 Frostbringer
Tag: Nessuno
allora ti do:
larg da 10 in spined exc da 5 pezzi in bone(800K)
larg da 15 in spined exc da 5 pezzi in studded (800k)
larg da 20 in spined exc da 5 pezzi in bone(800k)
larg da 20 in spined normal da 5 pezzi in studded (800k)
smoll da 15 in spined exc: bone leggings (450k)
smoll da 15 in spined exc: bone helmet(450k)
smoll da 20 in spined normale: bone gloves(450K)
totale 4550k
ornament crown(350k)
freostbringer (500k)
ring of the vile(3000k)
gauntlets of nobility (700k)
totale: 4550k
ti do anke:
smoll da 20 in spined exc: bone arms(450k)
the dragon slayer(400k)
(senza k mi dai 50k...smoll x dragon 1:1)