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[SCAMBIO] Ornament of the Magician!!!!!!!!!!

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  • [SCAMBIO] Ornament of the Magician!!!!!!!!!!

    Scambio il famoso Ornament colore originale che valuto sui 50kk.

    Cerco i seguenti item:
    Hunter 30-35kk
    Dryad dai 12kk ai 15kk a seconda della skill

    Devono essere obbligatori questi oggetti o al massimo se ne parla. Mi ritengo in grado di scegliere la richiesta che più mi aggrada...Contatti in profilo.

    p.s.: lasciate dei contatti mi raccomando!!!
    • LeGo CoNtAdInO
    • CoNtAdInO Family
    • Von Luen Family
    • EOS nel cuore
    • [LvX] Member
    • TB Reborn Project
    • ICQ:436970593

    Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
    Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.

  • #2
    Venduti kiudo!!!!!!
    • LeGo CoNtAdInO
    • CoNtAdInO Family
    • Von Luen Family
    • EOS nel cuore
    • [LvX] Member
    • TB Reborn Project
    • ICQ:436970593

    Originariamente inviato da Malfurion
    Jesus christ, as I already said above - WRITE IN ENGLISH, not albanian/mongolian. So Roby keep your mouth shut. Visit the school for special children - might get some english education.


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