cdt compro ornament... scegliete voi l'offerta che più vi aggrada...
hunter's headdres [30kk] + 15kk = 45kk
hat of magi [25kk] + 15kk = 40kk
insight [45kk] + 5kk = 50kk
l'ornament lo valuto (da come avete potuto leggere) sui 45/50kk.... mio icq: 228-198-255... in caso lasciate vostro icq, ciao a tutti ^^
i'm buy the ornament... choose you the offer...
hunter's headdres [30kk] + 15kk = 45kk
hat of magi [25kk] + 15kk = 40kk
insight [45kk] + 5kk = 50kk
i'm value the ornament 45/50kk.... my icq is: 228-198-255 or post you icq number... bye for everybody
hunter's headdres [30kk] + 15kk = 45kk
hat of magi [25kk] + 15kk = 40kk
insight [45kk] + 5kk = 50kk
l'ornament lo valuto (da come avete potuto leggere) sui 45/50kk.... mio icq: 228-198-255... in caso lasciate vostro icq, ciao a tutti ^^
i'm buy the ornament... choose you the offer...
hunter's headdres [30kk] + 15kk = 45kk
hat of magi [25kk] + 15kk = 40kk
insight [45kk] + 5kk = 50kk
i'm value the ornament 45/50kk.... my icq is: 228-198-255 or post you icq number... bye for everybody