The following actions are forbidden in ALL threads:
3. You MUST wait 24hours after the last reply before "bumping" the thread. (to bump means replying to the thread to make it bump in first page). Saying that 24hours had almost passed isn't a valid excuse, so don't bump the post even a few minutes before the 24h end. Penalty: 100k, 6hours full account jail at moderator's discretion. The thread will not be closed, but in case of reiterated violations the penalty will be doubled.
Tienes que esperar 24h desde el último post para uppear uno tuyo. Si no lo haces así te multan con 100k * número de veces que lo infringes. Esta vez no te ha multado porque tienes menos de 50 posts, pero te dice que muestres mas atención para la próxima.
ICQ: 393653956 Gingillo's Desing.
Lord_Of_Cove č un uomo irregolare.