RUNE BEETLE CARAPACE (color: luna white)

Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Lower Mana Cost 15%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 14%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 14%
Lower Requirements 100%
Mage Armor
base: 1gp
step: 100k
IW : Ring of the Vile
End: 48h after the last bid
I'm interested ONLY in MONEY. Do not offer other things.

Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Lower Mana Cost 15%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 14%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 14%
Lower Requirements 100%
Mage Armor
base: 1gp
step: 100k
IW : Ring of the Vile
End: 48h after the last bid
I'm interested ONLY in MONEY. Do not offer other things.