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[TRADE] Divine Countenanse

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  • [TRADE] Divine Countenanse

    Hello ^^
    Im going to try a new templante gos I got bit bored with wrestninja so I decided to make a big change, something unseen at uod before (atleaset I havent seen one) . So for this change I need certain things and Im going to trade my divine for them.

    I trade my divine for: 120 archery,120 tactics, Ancient samurai helmet, composite bow sc no malus hci dci > 10 or normal bow with same things, Sleevs with good phys/poison/fire mr 2 lmc some mana inc and legs mr 2 lmc manainc good phys/poison/fire. Thank you.

  • #2


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Keffu
      I trade my divine for: 120 archery,120 tactics, Ancient samurai helmet, composite bow sc no malus hci dci > 10 or normal bow with same things, Sleevs with good phys/poison/fire mr 2 lmc some mana inc and legs mr 2 lmc manainc good phys/poison/fire. Thank you.
      Sorry, but change divine for all this items altogether? :O For me, value of divine is 15kk, you think so?


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da Milena
        Sorry, but change divine for all this items altogether? :O For me, value of divine is 15kk, you think so?
        Yup.. Arch 120 = 5kk tac = max 3kk samurai = 2-4kk bows = ? armor parts = ? gos They dont need to have super duber resists I just added "good" for fun :ASDASD -_-
        And Iv been told "divine 9kk" but can ya see anyone selling divine for that or 15kk 0....0


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