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[SCAMBIO] Armor of fortune

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  • [SCAMBIO] Armor of fortune

    cerco la suddetta armor, postate e ci accordiamo sul prezzo o eventuale valore scambiandola con altri artefatti, ma ne ho solo di minori, ho anche alcuni martelli runici
    I am an outcast
    On the path of no return
    Punisher and swordman
    I was born to burn
    Black Wind always follows
    Where my black horse rides
    Fire's in my soul
    Steel in on my side

    ICQ: 164835992

  • #2
    up up
    I am an outcast
    On the path of no return
    Punisher and swordman
    I was born to burn
    Black Wind always follows
    Where my black horse rides
    Fire's in my soul
    Steel in on my side

    ICQ: 164835992


    • #3
      Se la cerchi perchè [SCAMBIO] ?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Aldebaran
        Se la cerchi perchè [SCAMBIO] ?
        [SCAMBIO] può essere usata sia dalla parte del venditore, sia da quella del compratore. Inoltre in essa è inclusa [COMPRO].


        • #5
          Mi sembrava più chiara [COMPRO]..
          grazie per le delucidazioni.


          • #6
            I am an outcast
            On the path of no return
            Punisher and swordman
            I was born to burn
            Black Wind always follows
            Where my black horse rides
            Fire's in my soul
            Steel in on my side

            ICQ: 164835992


            • #7
              up forza, possibile che nessuno l'abbia?
              I am an outcast
              On the path of no return
              Punisher and swordman
              I was born to burn
              Black Wind always follows
              Where my black horse rides
              Fire's in my soul
              Steel in on my side

              ICQ: 164835992


              • #8
                forza, sto ancora cercando e non mi ha risposto ancora nessuno
                I am an outcast
                On the path of no return
                Punisher and swordman
                I was born to burn
                Black Wind always follows
                Where my black horse rides
                Fire's in my soul
                Steel in on my side

                ICQ: 164835992


                • #9
                  up up forza ci deve essere qualcuno....
                  I am an outcast
                  On the path of no return
                  Punisher and swordman
                  I was born to burn
                  Black Wind always follows
                  Where my black horse rides
                  Fire's in my soul
                  Steel in on my side

                  ICQ: 164835992


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