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To Feanor and Wlk

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  • To Feanor and Wlk

    Hiya, Feanor I'd like that U explain pvp felucca rules to Wlk ...they will be stronger like U.
    I love all Wlk and I'd like to see there stronger then now.
    If I don't suxcede to join -XF- ,we all reorganize a new TB allyance.

    Fernando I think U must translate my bad english to ur mates

    c ya

  • #2
    Me alegro de que postees aqui Cix,aunque sea en ingles se que es un acto de buena fe.
    A ver si nos vemos por felucca,y a Feanor ya le pondremos las pilas.
    Firma Irregolare.


    • #3
      Traduce anda, asi todos nos enteramos bien que ha dixo. ^^


      • #4
        Hiya, Feanor I'd like that U explain pvp felucca rules to Wlk ...they will be stronger like U.
        I love all Wlk and I'd like to see there stronger then now.
        If I don't suxcede to join -XF- ,we all reorganize a new TB allyance.

        Fernando I think U must translate my bad english to ur mates

        c ya

        Hola,Feanor me gustaria que les enseñaras un poco de pvp a los harian mas fuertes,como tu.Me gusta wlk y me gustaria verles mas fuertes que ahora.
        Si no consigo entrar en -XF- ,haremos una nueva alianza en TB.
        Firma Irregolare.


        • #5
          Claro, ya sabéis que teneis mi apoyo y estoy dispuesto a echaros una mano en lo que sea, dejando a un lado la rivalidad en el juego, que al fin y al cabo no es más que eso.
          Espero que llegueis algun dia a entrar en una facción y balancear esto, ya que vais avanzando a pasos de gigante.

          CIX, they know that im here for helping them with anything, doesnt matter what happens on-game, anyway its just a game.
          I hope them join a faction any day, they are being more stronger every day.


          • #6
            Missy,la imagen te la has hecho tu?
            Firma Irregolare.


            • #7
              Wenas, Fernando I'm so happy that U are free now, so I would advise U to join Faction TB...I can ask for U for allyance with B|L and TMG.
              Anyways I will help U all ,when I have some free time even if I'm COM (-XF-).

              I hope to come and meet U, Feanor and Vampiro in Valencia next mounth.


              • #8
                Q yo sepa a mi nadie me tiene q enseñar a hacer pvp


                • #9
                  tienes hacer un account nuevo....96 anos.....

                  Felucca Rules:

                  no recall,no house combat...el resto es un tua decision.
                  no recall,no house combat...the rest is at ur discretion.
                  Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                  Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                  Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                  ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                  credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                  C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                  Sto operando...