Hey there!
Just wanted to share with my template.
I can asure you that it is the best template for getting fast to the top.
Dont want to sound that im showing off but i mean it by saying BEST!
Some may argue with me some not... but thats only cos they doesnt know what my Chiyoko is able to do
So here it is:
MagicResist 70.1
This template kills solo anything that moves. And i can prove that in game aswell!
Im not using no soulseeker no silver etched... tried that and TRUST ME it s**ks!!!
I decided to go for something new and unseen by crafting magekiller leafblades holding my fingers crossed for slayer option and high manaleech 70+... when i finally crafted my demon,dragon and undead i realised that theres nothing more hardcore than this template.
Soon after some players saw me doin pretty crazy stuff and many followed as i see quite a few guys runnin around with magekiller slayers
Leafblade has everythin you need, once its slayer and has extra manaleech 70-99
U can spam armor ignores dealing damage 120-150 with every single hit...
And Feint comes in handy on tough monsters reducing incoming damage...
These big numbers 100-150 makes sure your HP and MP is full at ALL TIMES and i rarely cast Curse weapon so my karma is on max... i can make most out of my endless mana supplies with 120 chivalry or SW havin 3/4, 4/4 fc fcr
3/4, 4/4 fc/fcr or higher allows me to use that mana how i want... spaming nature furies... goin nuts and havin fun with my 120 chivalry scaring mobs away, casting off curses, BO's or whatever... 120 chivalry casts off even reveants!!!
With high fc/fcr i even keep an eye on others casting off their curses reveants and all that...
Im full 70 with overcap of fire. As i mentioned 3/4 or 4/4... capped Hci... dci 38+... 36LMC is a must have.
Best way for this template is to use Leggings of bane, Carapace and of corse mace and shield.
Leggings of bane helps u to cap hci as it has 20 + 15 on shield so as u see u just need 10 hci on ring or brace...
so u can have some other useful props on ur jewelry to cap lmc, resists or whatever...
Ive done some experiments on razor and came up with new way of automation that makes sure my character strikes ALLWAYS with lightning strikes and it doesnt effect your casting in ANY way...
I made macross that allways stays on loop checking for 3 system messages.
"if sys message "you baffle your target with a feint!"
Cast lightningstrike
end if
"if sys message "your attack penetrates their armor!"
Cast lightning strike
end if
"if sys message "you attack with lightning precision!"
Cast lightning strike
end if
In every single spellmacrosses that i made as consecrate, divine fury, eoo, cast nature fury on your tile, remove curse... etc etc... as LAST ACTION in these spellcast macrosses i left this loop macross that looks for these 3 sys messages.
So once message goes on it automatically selects llightning strike.
This looped macross is in END of every single castmacross that you use for any spell so your lightning strike spell is allways ready for strike no matter what.
Im also using binded dress options for 50EP ring to cap my dex and get more str for HP.
As it will be hard to get magekiller slayers with high manaleech AND swingspeed... better watch out for
runic armor with EXTRA stamina increase instead of MI or HPI...
Becouse on 150 dex and full stamina leafblade is pretty fast, but as you get hit with big numbers your stamina drops.
So youre better off with more stamina than other bonuses.
But with 3/4 4/4 you cast that divine fury really quick so even without Stamina increase i didnt had much problems...
i was just a bit fusy about this issue cos i kill monsters that deals damage over 50 non stop...
70 resspells makes sure i dont stay on paralyse for too long...
and i dont die instantly by hiting on Blood oath... i can survive 2 hits for real, that doesnt even happen that often cos of 3/4 4/4 fc/fcr...
Also forget about Damage increase once you get your hands on slayer weapons with high manaleech.
40 is absolutely fine on your weapon...
100-150 damage non stop is more than enough... focus on fc fcr hci dci resists and LMC!!!
Dont know what else to say hope all this will help u guys to get to the top...
38.6 SW is for nature furies so they dont fizzle...
70bushido is for Casting confidence when tought times
and also using momentum strike to hit 2 mobs in same time...a
I doom alone, i do peereless alone... i rape rends, paragon ancient dragons, paragon greather dragons... yamandons YOU NAME IT!
Remember to use HONOR its very important for this template, if you dont know what it does then look it up!
If u need any more information or help with starting gear or some cash hit me up
on icq: 618596197
or skype: kornophily
Share this with your friends lets not keep this template a secret!
Just wanted to share with my template.
I can asure you that it is the best template for getting fast to the top.
Dont want to sound that im showing off but i mean it by saying BEST!
Some may argue with me some not... but thats only cos they doesnt know what my Chiyoko is able to do

So here it is:
MagicResist 70.1
This template kills solo anything that moves. And i can prove that in game aswell!

Im not using no soulseeker no silver etched... tried that and TRUST ME it s**ks!!!

I decided to go for something new and unseen by crafting magekiller leafblades holding my fingers crossed for slayer option and high manaleech 70+... when i finally crafted my demon,dragon and undead i realised that theres nothing more hardcore than this template.
Soon after some players saw me doin pretty crazy stuff and many followed as i see quite a few guys runnin around with magekiller slayers
Leafblade has everythin you need, once its slayer and has extra manaleech 70-99
U can spam armor ignores dealing damage 120-150 with every single hit...
And Feint comes in handy on tough monsters reducing incoming damage...
These big numbers 100-150 makes sure your HP and MP is full at ALL TIMES and i rarely cast Curse weapon so my karma is on max... i can make most out of my endless mana supplies with 120 chivalry or SW havin 3/4, 4/4 fc fcr
3/4, 4/4 fc/fcr or higher allows me to use that mana how i want... spaming nature furies... goin nuts and havin fun with my 120 chivalry scaring mobs away, casting off curses, BO's or whatever... 120 chivalry casts off even reveants!!!
With high fc/fcr i even keep an eye on others casting off their curses reveants and all that...
Im full 70 with overcap of fire. As i mentioned 3/4 or 4/4... capped Hci... dci 38+... 36LMC is a must have.
Best way for this template is to use Leggings of bane, Carapace and of corse mace and shield.
Leggings of bane helps u to cap hci as it has 20 + 15 on shield so as u see u just need 10 hci on ring or brace...
so u can have some other useful props on ur jewelry to cap lmc, resists or whatever...
Ive done some experiments on razor and came up with new way of automation that makes sure my character strikes ALLWAYS with lightning strikes and it doesnt effect your casting in ANY way...
I made macross that allways stays on loop checking for 3 system messages.
"if sys message "you baffle your target with a feint!"
Cast lightningstrike
end if
"if sys message "your attack penetrates their armor!"
Cast lightning strike
end if
"if sys message "you attack with lightning precision!"
Cast lightning strike
end if
In every single spellmacrosses that i made as consecrate, divine fury, eoo, cast nature fury on your tile, remove curse... etc etc... as LAST ACTION in these spellcast macrosses i left this loop macross that looks for these 3 sys messages.
So once message goes on it automatically selects llightning strike.
This looped macross is in END of every single castmacross that you use for any spell so your lightning strike spell is allways ready for strike no matter what.
Im also using binded dress options for 50EP ring to cap my dex and get more str for HP.
As it will be hard to get magekiller slayers with high manaleech AND swingspeed... better watch out for
runic armor with EXTRA stamina increase instead of MI or HPI...
Becouse on 150 dex and full stamina leafblade is pretty fast, but as you get hit with big numbers your stamina drops.
So youre better off with more stamina than other bonuses.
But with 3/4 4/4 you cast that divine fury really quick so even without Stamina increase i didnt had much problems...
i was just a bit fusy about this issue cos i kill monsters that deals damage over 50 non stop...
70 resspells makes sure i dont stay on paralyse for too long...
and i dont die instantly by hiting on Blood oath... i can survive 2 hits for real, that doesnt even happen that often cos of 3/4 4/4 fc/fcr...
Also forget about Damage increase once you get your hands on slayer weapons with high manaleech.
40 is absolutely fine on your weapon...
100-150 damage non stop is more than enough... focus on fc fcr hci dci resists and LMC!!!
Dont know what else to say hope all this will help u guys to get to the top...
38.6 SW is for nature furies so they dont fizzle...
70bushido is for Casting confidence when tought times
and also using momentum strike to hit 2 mobs in same time...a
I doom alone, i do peereless alone... i rape rends, paragon ancient dragons, paragon greather dragons... yamandons YOU NAME IT!
Remember to use HONOR its very important for this template, if you dont know what it does then look it up!
If u need any more information or help with starting gear or some cash hit me up
on icq: 618596197
or skype: kornophily
Share this with your friends lets not keep this template a secret!