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Arms Lore training

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  • Arms Lore training

    I have question about gaining this skill.

    I was trying to use skill on different weapons and it was gaining for like 4 gains and no more. Is there any method to train it fast? I have checked uoguide, and it is written there that gaining Arms Lore from 30 to 100 can take 25h or more
    Is this same here on uod?

    I'll be thankfull if someone enlight me

    ICQ:567 245 807

  • #2
    You have to lore about 35 items, if you use just one weapon you'll have just a few gains and then nothing for hours.
    "Garmr latra feroce dinanzi Gnipahelli, le corde si spezzeranno ed il cane si libererŕ.
    Ella conosce molte arti, lŕ lontano scorge il Crepuscolo degli Dči, frammenti della fine.
    I fratelli si scontreranno e si uccideranno, i cugini spezzeranno i legami di parentela, il mondo č crudo, il tradimento č grande.
    Tempo d’asce, tempo di spade, gli scudi s'infrangeranno, tempo di venti, tempo di lupi, prima che il mondo finisca nessun uomo risparmierŕ l'altro.
    I figli di Mímir si agitano, il fato si compie al suono del potente Gjallarhorni.
    Heimdallr soffia con forza nel suo corno, Óđinn parla alla testa di Mímir."


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da BlackBraveKnight Visualizza il messaggio
      You have to lore about 35 items, if you use just one weapon you'll have just a few gains and then nothing for hours.
      oh :P I was using about 8 weps I'll try with more later

      thx for help

      ICQ:567 245 807


      • #4
        batter 80 or 125. antimacro target-based


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