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Runic bonus intesivity

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  • Runic bonus intesivity

    Hello. I wonder, if there is new min/max intensiivity for tailor nad blacksmith runics like one OSI (Runic Tools - UOGuide). Cause I made today few weapons with DC runic hammer, and I got properites like Hit Lower Attack 8% (according to uoguide, minimum is 20% of HLA).
    I couldnt find any english topics about this on forum, and in Mantis I found something in Italian about that changes (I think so) (mantis ID = 918).

  • #2
    The bonus percentages were modified some publishes ago on OSI, but they aren't up to date here on uodreams yet.
    Vash U'Sgrav [LorD] - Labora et Basta [KP] on UODreams
    ICQ: 150088146

    MSN: iociriprovo chiocciola

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    • #3
      Thanks for yout reply
      Does anyone know if staff is planning to change this in future?


      • #4
        thant would be a very sweet change... at the moment low level runic hammers feel a bit useless compared to OSI.

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        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da desol Visualizza il messaggio
          Does anyone know if staff is planning to change this in future?
          Of course, staff will script all publishes until it catches up to OSI, hopefully
          It will just take some time. Weeks, months... or perhaps years
          Vash U'Sgrav [LorD] - Labora et Basta [KP] on UODreams
          ICQ: 150088146

          MSN: iociriprovo chiocciola

          Non contattatemi su ICQ per scambio item o aste o spam di alcun genere. Se mi serve un item faccio il post sul forum, inutile che mi spammate su ICQ.

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          • #6
            But look at this Mantis page :

            It seems like staff have already done something with it, but not yet working on UOD Server Amm... it would be nice to see this working in near future, since now runics like spined, dull copper, shadow, and even copper are little waste of materials.


            • #7

              Resolution duplicate
              Status resolved




              • #8
                Ach Thanks for answer and link.


                • #9
                  * Tailoring:
                  o Spined: was 20, now 40
                  o Horned: was 30, now 45
                  o Barbed: was 40, now 50

                  what's the maximum intensivity for horned kit?


                  • #10
                    uoguide says that all runic (bs and tailor) have maximum intensivity 100%


                    • #11
                      seems like madness )) invulnarable tanks with 5 props-100% weaps for 1gp cost))


                      • #12
                        I really cant wait those to come to uod. I mean I have a samurai with everything else you can imagine but the weapon is missing. No one sells good weapons for pvm. Actually Im looking for an ornate axe with ssi, mana leech, di and hit lower def. And as far as I know ornate axes only drop from minotaurs and no one uses high level runic hammers to craft those either. It's just impossible to get a good one.


                        • #13
                          maximum intensivity of horned runic is not changed


                          Sto operando...