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jailed afk macroing

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  • jailed afk macroing

    I was jailed for afk macroing, I guess interacting with a NCP AFK was the rule broken there. I have a auction I will need to pick up here soon but says 5 day jail time, this was first offense anyone can talk to about getting out to pick up the item then jailed tomorrow or something?

    Didn't know the rules since all in italian but I don't wanna get slapped with another fine or more jail time for breaking a forum rules while I'm stuck in jail....I have the cash but don't have means of makign the trade while in here :<

  • #2
    I think you should use the in-game page system.
    Maybe even a PM to a staff member (i think you should PM Grimlock for jail-related issues) will do the job.
    "Garmr latra feroce dinanzi Gnipahelli, le corde si spezzeranno ed il cane si libererà.
    Ella conosce molte arti, là lontano scorge il Crepuscolo degli Dèi, frammenti della fine.
    I fratelli si scontreranno e si uccideranno, i cugini spezzeranno i legami di parentela, il mondo è crudo, il tradimento è grande.
    Tempo d’asce, tempo di spade, gli scudi s'infrangeranno, tempo di venti, tempo di lupi, prima che il mondo finisca nessun uomo risparmierà l'altro.
    I figli di Mímir si agitano, il fato si compie al suono del potente Gjallarhorni.
    Heimdallr soffia con forza nel suo corno, Óðinn parla alla testa di Mímir."


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da dmixer Visualizza il messaggio
      I was jailed for afk macroing, I guess interacting with a NCP AFK was the rule broken there. I have a auction I will need to pick up here soon but says 5 day jail time, this was first offense anyone can talk to about getting out to pick up the item then jailed tomorrow or something?

      Didn't know the rules since all in italian but I don't wanna get slapped with another fine or more jail time for breaking a forum rules while I'm stuck in jail....I have the cash but don't have means of makign the trade while in here :<
      and most of all u can contact the buyer\seller via pm on the forum or IM's and explain ur problem if the guy gets the money later for "problems" like this one,i think it won't be a problem at all.

      be cool about it
      Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
      Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
      Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
      ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
      credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
      C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da dmixer Visualizza il messaggio
        Didn't know the rules since all in italian
        O Rly? Perhaps you didn't notice the english-flagged button in uodreams homepage
        Vash U'Sgrav [LorD] - Labora et Basta [KP] on UODreams
        ICQ: 150088146

        MSN: iociriprovo chiocciola

        Non contattatemi su ICQ per scambio item o aste o spam di alcun genere. Se mi serve un item faccio il post sul forum, inutile che mi spammate su ICQ.

        This signature is powered by Gingillo


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Vash1986 Visualizza il messaggio
          O Rly? Perhaps you didn't notice the english-flagged button in uodreams homepage
          Sure there is one. Sometimes those english rules have been terribly outdated, but I dont think that's the case this time. My friend lost his gears few years ago because he broke the rules that were written in italian but not in english because they were not updated.

          But anyway. Just saying this because it can be very frustrating and hard for english players to come here, just because the information can be hard to find. And yeah I'd like to see more english players because I think this shard is cool.

          And I hope you really still got your money. I mean, breaking that rule where you interact with a NPC can lead to getting your bank wiped.


          • #6
            I would have to agree, have any of you tried reading the rules for applying to add to accounts to one IP? The English is so bad I couldn't understand it.
            Had to ask a gm to figure out how to apply. Thankfully his English was very good.


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