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  • Housing...

    While roaming around this server for the first time in months, it overcame me how very few houses are around on this shard. Shouldn't we be able to have more than one house? There is tonnes of room around, and I wouldn't mind having a second place to hide out at :P

    Just an idea....


    Edit: P.S. I highly recommend UO Hybrid :P

  • #2
    Housing problems ? Too "many" spots ? It was a pain in the ass to find a 18x18 spot in felluca. I was running around for like 2 days before I found a place. I can't judge about malas/tokuno, but felluca is stuffed with houses.


    • #3
      it's very good idea, if house trading will be integreted in in-game auction. 2 proffesions can apear than: house-trader, house-decorator (it's very bad that every person has to decorate his house himself). players will have to choose place of living in auction )) players will have opportuinity on proffessional trading and decoratng houses.

      but until house-trading can not be done by ingame-auc 1acc=1house practice is the best for millions of reasons


      • #4

        "Too "many" spots ? It was a pain in the ass to find a 18x18 spot in felluca."

        I have found many many viable and nice spots that an 18 x 18 would easily fit in in Fel. I'll just go by the assumption you were new and simply don't know where to look.

        Still, I see MANY house spots open and it keeps getting worse. Less and less people online too. It seems like UOD is slowly dying. I'd like a way to revitalize the experience...

        Oh, and hire me to decor your house. It's all I love to do in trammel :P


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da UglyPinky Visualizza il messaggio
          Edit: P.S. I highly recommend UO Hybrid :P
          C:\Documents and Settings\Martin>ping www.u**

          Esecuzione di Ping www.u** [] con 32 byte di dati:

          Risposta da byte=32 durata=177ms TTL=48
          Risposta da byte=32 durata=177ms TTL=48
          Risposta da byte=32 durata=177ms TTL=48
          Risposta da byte=32 durata=176ms TTL=48

          Statistiche Ping per
          Pacchetti: Trasmessi = 4, Ricevuti = 4, Persi = 0 (0% persi),
          Tempo approssimativo percorsi andata/ritorno in millisecondi:
          Minimo = 176ms, Massimo = 177ms, Medio = 176ms

          I don't think it's a good idea for europeans
          Vash U'Sgrav [LorD] - Labora et Basta [KP] on UODreams
          ICQ: 150088146

          MSN: iociriprovo chiocciola

          Non contattatemi su ICQ per scambio item o aste o spam di alcun genere. Se mi serve un item faccio il post sul forum, inutile che mi spammate su ICQ.

          This signature is powered by Gingillo


          • #6
            Uohybrid sucks, it's full of kids, most want to grief the hell out of each other, and since everyone can have 4 houses almost every place you can remember is already occupied by a plot.
            Plus the ping yea
            Also one thing pink mentioned about our shard getting less people online, you got to remember we are only allowed one account, other shards might have even less people but they are allowed 2 or more accounts, so when you go to a shard like Demise for example and you see 300 online, I usually divide it by 2 to get a more realistic number :P
            Ultima modifica di superbuzzmetal; 16-11-2008, 10:57.
            Found a bug in Uodreams? Report it here.

            ICQ: 627753493


            • #7

              I fail to see how someone from a shard that's beyond trammeled can consider UOHybrid to be bad. It's full of people who actually know how to pvp. Which is totally unlike this shard. There is no way to lose items unless you forget to insure them. There is no risk in pvp on this shard.

              The ping rate is fine for me. I'm Canadian, it's an American shard, and this being an International Forum I figured I could recommend it to my fellow Americans. Why? Because America is important. Also, don't play Demise. That would be very silly. It's a horrible shard.

              I still think we should be able to have a second house here per account (the one you can have). I know of at least 2-3 Fel spots I want to place in but I damn well refuse to lose my kick ass house.

              Oh, and assuming that outta the average of 1k players, 3/4 are afk, 1/4 is active, that still puts it somewhere at 250 players on at all times. Also, since it would be STUPID to leave you chars afk on UOHybrid (you will come back to find them dead), most people who are intelligent don't do that there. Also, regarding the housing plots...yeah, it must suck having to work for a house instead of just finding massive empty fields like on this shard lol. I've done around 30 idocs in the 2 months I've been on UOHybrid and it has been much more challenging and rewarding than anything I've done here....*shrugs* I suppose I could chalk that down to differing playstyles
              Ultima modifica di UglyPinky; 17-11-2008, 15:01.


              • #8
                The fact that this is the international forum doesn't give you the right of advertising a non GamesNet shard. I would like you to avoid this behaviour.

                Thank you in advance.
                ICQ: 393653956

                Gingillo's Desing.
                Lord_Of_Cove è un uomo irregolare.


                • #9
                  UglyPinky, so uh why are you playing here ?
                  Found a bug in Uodreams? Report it here.

                  ICQ: 627753493


                  Sto operando...