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Bedlam Champion

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  • Bedlam Champion

    The level 3 is hard.

  • #2
    I see

    I suggest you trying with more people, it could be better ^^


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Duku Visualizza il messaggio
      I see

      I suggest you trying with more people, it could be better ^^
      100 Interred grizzles and plague beast lords after all bog things and plague beasts die. Heh..


      • #4
        My god!

        I can't see your template in that killing area! He's into a Bog thing's bowel?


        • #5
          Yeah it's very safe and warm in their bowels.
          What template you mean?


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da munakko Visualizza il messaggio
            Yeah it's very safe and warm in their bowels.
            What template you mean?
            I mean "SHE" your lady "The HAND"


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da genesistona Visualizza il messaggio
              I mean "SHE" your lady "The HAND"
              Its hidden where there are yellow damage numbers, among the bodies

              However, the best thing in the screen is the special prize "Counselor for a day": its very kind you bring it in every adventure ^^


              • #8
                Originariamente inviato da Duku Visualizza il messaggio
                Its hidden where there are yellow damage numbers, among the bodies
                Now I got it...


                • #9

                  good work keep it up bro
                  as you told me to go and check third spawn ...lucky I didnt go
                  I would of die straight away...

                  for Duku and genesistona...
                  non credo abbia capito nulla di quello che gli state dicendo


                  • #10
                    Originariamente inviato da CIX666 Visualizza il messaggio

                    for Duku and genesistona...
                    non credo abbia capito nulla di quello che gli state dicendo
                    He understands, trust me, he can speak English quite well

                    There was just a misunderstood about the words template-character


                    • #11
                      i think that soulseeker isn't the right weapon down there, it's repond slayer and interred are undead and you should know that opposite slayer cause you to get more damage from these monsters:
                      Slayer - UOGuide
                      Compro monili VETE + LORE


                      • #12
                        Originariamente inviato da CIX666 Visualizza il messaggio
                        for Duku and genesistona...
                        non credo abbia capito nulla di quello che gli state dicendo
                        Perchè allora dovrebbe capire te?
                        In ogni caso... Munakko understands english very well! As Duku sad yet!
                        Ultima modifica di genesistona; 06-10-2008, 14:23.


                        • #13
                          Ah you meant character (when you said template), how confusing

                          And about soul seeker, I used it because it's a fast weapon with stamina, mana and hp leech. I simply don't have any other leecher weapon with a whirlwind ability. My health dropped down to 30% against those bog things and plague beasts between whirlwinds but every whirlwind brought me back to full hp.

                          I know about the slayer thing, but I dont know if repond slayer has any opposite. Not any that I know. Does it have opposite? I've always thought that reptiles and undeads are opposites but I don't know about repond. ^^


                          • #14
                            UO Stratics - Slayer Weapon

                            When slayer items are used against their opposing group, it would result in the monster doing double damage to the person wielding the item.

                            Slayer supergroups and opposing supergroup:

                            Repond (or Humanoid) - Undead
                            Undead - Repond
                            Abyss - Elemental/Fey
                            Fey - Abyss
                            Arachnid - Reptilian
                            Reptilian - Arachnid
                            "Garmr latra feroce dinanzi Gnipahelli, le corde si spezzeranno ed il cane si libererà.
                            Ella conosce molte arti, là lontano scorge il Crepuscolo degli Dèi, frammenti della fine.
                            I fratelli si scontreranno e si uccideranno, i cugini spezzeranno i legami di parentela, il mondo è crudo, il tradimento è grande.
                            Tempo d’asce, tempo di spade, gli scudi s'infrangeranno, tempo di venti, tempo di lupi, prima che il mondo finisca nessun uomo risparmierà l'altro.
                            I figli di Mímir si agitano, il fato si compie al suono del potente Gjallarhorni.
                            Heimdallr soffia con forza nel suo corno, Óðinn parla alla testa di Mímir."


                            • #15
                              Originariamente inviato da genesistona Visualizza il messaggio
                              Perchè allora dovrebbe capire te?
                              In ogni caso... Munakko understands english very well! As Duku sad yet!
                              cos I speak proper english as The Hand..
                              yous dont

                              As Duku already mentioned....thats how you say it... in english


                              Sto operando...