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[Revision 1065] Incremental Update

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  • [Revision 1065] Incremental Update

    Passive reveal chance was fixed. Now the value of Detect Hidden does not decrease reveal range.

    Bonus chance was added: Players who have both the stealing and stealth skills at 100 or higher skill have a higher chance to remain hidden at a distance of 1 tile from another player.

    Passive, active and continued reveal was added. The first works only when player moves at a distance of 1 tile from creature. The second works when the creature attacked player and the latter hides himself ahead of creature, who will use detect hidden skill or reveal spell to reveal player. Continued reveal always works, if creature has detect hidden skill, it is influenced by its intelligence value.

    Necromancer's Revenant was fixed: (in felucca) now it will reveal its combatant and who is around it (except the caster). While in trammel, it will reveal only its combatant.

    If a player hides himself with Invisibility Spell (but without Hiding skill), he will have a little chance to be not revealed. Else if he has hiding skill and uses the Spell, bonus chance will be calculated on Hiding value.

  • #2
    uh and hiding/stealth gets a nerfbat again


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