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hints for doom mages

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  • hints for doom mages

    in italian

    template 1:
    spellweaving 120
    magery 120
    necromancy 120
    spirit speak 120
    eval int
    swords of prosperity / staff of magi

    template 2:
    spellweaving 120
    eval int 120
    necromancy 120
    spirit speak 120
    anatomy (if book is the main item in hands)
    macefight (if boomstick is the main item in hands)
    insciption (possible if the main item in hands is staff or prosperity and u have 120 magery)

    1. train spellweaving for arcane circle - it s realy powa. the more people, participating in circle - the more benefit to spellweaving spells and in the fact more benefit to all casts. can be casted in any active (dark red) pentagramm in center of dunge
    2. train 120 necro and make good macro to cast revenant quickly - mob ussualy doesn't hunt u whan it had been casted revenant and also tamers and warriors have opportunity to do their work without being bothered.
    3. if u have 100+ magery and 0+ dci, drop your boomstick in trashcan and equip staff or prosperity (when u equip items with mage weapon property your magery skill acts like battle skill and u recieve battle defence like from wrestling)
    4. find undead and demon books to do twise more damage (it s realy not so difficult to create thread "[compro] undead,demon slayer books 200k per l'uno" in uod - market - various forum)
    5. if u do good damage, cast wraith form instead of lich (wraith form acts like hit mana lich on any damage u do if attacked mobs have mana)
    6. cast summon familiar shadow wisp whan u need mana (especially when many necromages or warriors, casting curse weapon stay close to u). shadow wisp gives mana to all bad guys around proportionally to their negative carma (so u need -20k carma). -20k carma can be easyly gained. find a friend (not the same guild as u) with +20k carma, kill him and ress. u can double press tab before summoning so wisp won't atack your combatant. don't summon it mindlessly, becuase if mob stopped, atacking wisp will mobilise it.
    7. don't run to crowd of mobs like all noobs do, wait till they die from 3-4 abyssmal horrors and fetch one far from others or wait till stronger player does it, than kill mobs one by one. u can make razor macro (target closest grey, attack last target) to atack one mob without being targeted by others. u can use wall of stone to come to mob closer or than u want mob to come closer to u without greetings like "kal vas flam"
    8. in order than there are less than 16 people, no matter how many damage u do to have chance for artie. u need just to get looting rights. of great importance is the total time of mob life that can be much derceased in team work. be of some culture and smart: kill spawn, dispel revenants, remove curses, bless, heal others, especially discorders, etc - be sure u l find many new friends quickly and your doom game will be of more fun and profit.

    Casting Summons

    for the 2,3 rooms there is no problem. if u have lots of mana summon what u want, when u want... but... many warriors have bushido and they need to honor mob to do much more damage. so u if your summon atacks mob before good warrior has honored it - it's waste of time.

    for 1,4,5 and df. mobs have necroai, so if u summon something instead revenant, two things happen: 1. mobs begins to move (if it stoped before), 2. mob will atack right u

    So u can and have to cast as more often as possible revenants but if u want to summon something else use your brains before it in different situations:

    if u see that there is just one discotamer, with his rubbish hirye, doing no damage, unstopobly casting heal/great heal, because mob hunts right him u can take fire on self by casting fury/vortex/blade/whatever just to make tamer be alive and discord mob (if it's pal/tamer with no disco forget about him)

    if u see many people cast summons (not revenant) on mob - u should cast too just to avoid dispeling few summons and take some fire on self.

    shadow wisps... if u see somebody casting shadow wisp, just press tab twise, come to that guy, cast summon fammilar and press shadow wisp. 2 or maybe 3 wisps will restock everybody's mana very very fast. dont forget to release it when u atack mob again if u dont want mob to cast everything right on u.

    casting on df..

    the more summons u cast - the more bones will appear. so if u see that almost nobody cuts bones, don't summon something instead revenant. the batter if u cast summons on undead spawn and after summon kills spawn it will atack df.

    there is one exception. after 5 room if u have -20k carma u can animate very strong lich lords... each lord will continue to summon revenant (revenant is very very important guy) and also lichs do good damage and continue to say very bad words of different currsings. so to keep lichs alive u should summon something just to avoid df kill lichs fast.

    if u see 1-2 necros unstopobly casting revenant, there are no pets, no other summons and few warriors smash df.. think of such things: no pets, no summons - df casts and hits everything on revenants (bloodoath, stangle, revenant too), warriors have opportunity to equip strongest weapon, without fright of bloodoath, everybody happy. if u cast some fury or wisp (that will atack df) 2 things will happen: 1. everybody will be very angry on you. 2 if u have rubbish equip - u l die.

    when df is under 10% of health it unstopobly says "ah me suck o", doesn't hunt anybody, tries to run away - thats the right time to summon all u can to 5 slots (if somebody cuts bones) just to let it die faster.

    hint for nooby-mages just for 4-th room: if u have problems with looting rights in 4-th room just summon 2 vortexs, run away and invis - everybody will be happy

    hint for spellweavers: the more people participated in arcane circle (so the stronger arcane focus u v got) the more damage furies do and live longer and the more effect of Arcane Empowerment (harder to dispell your summon, more hp summon has)

    Casting Damage Spells in different rooms

    1. just fire (fireball/arrow explo/flame meteor).
    2. harm or same as 1.
    3. same as 1 (paralyse field works)
    4. lighting ebolt
    5. harm, mind blast

    df. df has all resistances 30
    if u have necro + sw just cast wraith form and don't stop casting death
    casting corpse skin... think of such things. ushualy warriors do more damage to df and they ushualy do phys damage and dont cast concentrate. so if u cast corpse skin u will lower fire res, will do more damage by self, but... the df will live longer in total...
    if u dont have resisting spells and use demon slayer book the best spell is energy bolt because it has short delay between u targeted mob and it recieved damage. so less problems with bloodoath, less problems with interrupting castings because of df's reflecting .
    so if u have ~120 resist u can just cast wraith form and flood explo-flame with no problems
    don't cast stangle on df - no damage but planty of bones
    hint for noobs: don't try to cast fire field on df

    Being casted Strangle

    do u remember beeing casted strangle and after in sar? great fun, isn't it?

    so u can buy refresh potions at nix's shops and make razor macro:
    1 undress weapon (if u wear weapon, not book)
    2. drink refresh
    3. delay 600 ms
    4. drink refresh
    5. delay 600 ms
    5. drink refresh
    5. dress weapon

    so the strangle will do 4 not 20 damage to u

    Limitations of arcane circle

    the llimitation is that that the difference in spellweaving skill between arcanists participating in arcance circle must not be higher than 20.
    so to make arcane circle with somebody who has 120 sw u need to have at least 100.1

    usefull scripts:
    some binds for a necromage
    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 09-07-2009, 21:40.

  • #2
    casting summons

    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 09-07-2009, 21:26.


    • #3
      which spell to cast in different room

      Ultima modifica di fnurov; 09-07-2009, 21:31.


      • #4

        Ultima modifica di fnurov; 09-07-2009, 21:31.


        • #5
          suggestion for all doom acranists

          the suggestion is to gateher after last darkfather here to make arcane circle of highest strength


          • #6
            SUB fast releasing summons when leaving room

            sub ReleaseSummons
            ; XI - shadow wisp 1
            ; W - imp 6
            ; WH - pixi 6
            ; DD - fire 6 BD - energy 6 FD demon 6
                set #lpc %flpc
                set %ltarget #ltargetid
                set %lkind #LTARGETKIND
                finditem XI_W_WH_BD_DD_FD G
                for %i 1 #findcnt
                    Set #FindIndex %i
                    if #FindType = XI
                       ExEvent Popup #FindID 1
                    if #FindType in W_WH_BD_DD_FD
                       ExEvent Popup #FindID 6
                set #ltargetid %ltarget
                set #LTARGETKIND %lkind
                set #lpc %dlpc
            SUB summon shadow wisp fast

            sub summonwisp
                set #lpc %flpc
                event macro 15 112
                wait 33
                set %stopwaitng #systime + 1000
                while #CONTSIZE <> 260_192 && #systime < %stopwaitng
                  sleep 20
                if #systime < %stopwaitng
                   set %cx #CONTPOSX + 33
                   set %cy #CONTPOSY + 83
                   click %cx %cy dmc
                set #lpc %dlpc

            SUB summon fury fast
            sub summonfurycharpos
                set #lpc %flpc
                set %ltarget #ltargetid
                set %lkind #LTARGETKIND
                if #FOLLOWERS < 5
                    event macro 15 606
                    target 30
                    if #targcurs = 1
                       set #ltargetx #charposx
                       set #ltargety #charposy
                       set #ltargetz #charposz
                       set #ltargetkind 2
                       event macro 22 0
                set #ltargetid %ltarget
                set #LTARGETKIND %lkind
                set #lpc %dlpc
            Ultima modifica di fnurov; 26-07-2008, 03:56.


            • #7
              limitation for arcane circle

              Limitations of arcane circle

              the llimitation is that that the difference in spellweaving skill between arcanists participating in arcance circle must not be higher than 20.
              so to make arcane circle with somebody who has 120 sw u need to have at least 100.1
              Ultima modifica di fnurov; 09-07-2009, 21:32.


              • #8
                use this script


                • #9
                  u can use this script (it's hotkeys for necromage) not to have problems with lasttarget while cutting bones

                  p.s. important info about necromage script


                  • #10
                    in italian

                    make battle deffence by 1 of 3:
                    boomstick + macefighting,
                    tome + wrestling,
                    staff/prosperity + magery

                    +dci (quiver, jewelry, arts)

                    not to OOoOOOoOOO from one revenant or df's "relpor+triple strike"
                    Ultima modifica di fnurov; 27-10-2008, 15:56.


                    • #11
                      collecting bones

                      in italian

                      3 good necromages are able to collect 1k bones for 5 mins or even less.

                      script for looting bones

                      in this room many lichs spawn. the number of lichs depends on how many players+pets+summons are in room
                      just equip battle defence
                      make wreith form
                      summon shadow wips + 2 vortexes + 3 animates from this lichs (they can be animated. bug? o.O)
                      spam wither
                      loot bones using my script
                      hint for pro: each mage can take 3 skeletal dragons there, to make many skulls.

                      on screenshot the location is E.

                      The Dark Guardians
                      In the far northern end of the dungeon, behind 3 sets of double doors, lies room which is one of the most deadly traps known. From the doorway you immediately notice the large piles of human remains just a few steps into the room, but the cause of their death isn't apparent from there. Other things of interest in the room are two large statues near the door, a stone pentagram in the center of the room and a few chests hiding untold riches.

                      Once you step a few steps into the room, the cause for all the skeletal remains becomes clear though. The massive doors will slam shut and become impossible to open, from out of nowhere a number of Dark Guardians, a creature closely related to the Lich, will appear on the pentagram and deadly poison will slowly start to fill the room, making it increasingly harder to breathe in there.

                      For each creature in the room two Dark Guardians will appear and now only one thing remains... Kill or be killed. If you manage to kill all the guardians the poison will clear the air, the doors will unlock and you are free to leave. If the guardians manage to kill you, they will disappear and the same things will happen, although when your ghost tries to leaves the room it will be transported to a location in the other end of the dungeon along with your remains.
                      from UO Stratics - Grand Atlas of Britannia - Dungeon Doom

                      p.s. if u die, u and your corpse will be teleported. dont try to find your corpse in guards' room, cause its in the same place there u had been teleported.
                      Ultima modifica di fnurov; 09-07-2009, 21:15.


                      • #12
                        That's an interesting way of making bones, the only problem is being able to loot them fast enough so the next wave of dark guardians doesn't spawn before you get the bones from the previous.
                        I tried your auto-loot script but, like another similar script i tried before, it tends to crash the client. And that's not a nice place to crash lol
                        ICQ: 493666513 ^_^'


                        • #13
                          I went there with my samurai and I found out the spawnrate was too slow. I can get bones 2x faster with tamer when pulling 15 mobs from the big room and letting pets kill all.


                          • #14
                            for now there is italian version of this guide.
                            many thanks to Peter89


                            • #15
                              Nice guide, definitely useful ^^


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