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    Il sistema pet va a modificare il comportamento dei propri pet in base a certi comandi e a sistemare alcune cose riguardo ad essi.

    I pet (gli animali in genere) non corrono, solo la WhiteWyrm, il Dragon e il Drake hanno la capacità di volare (quindi si muovono più in fretta) e passano attraverso agli alberi.
    Queste creature non si mettono a volare se il padrone dista dalla creatura 5 tile o più.
    Un discorso collegato al volo è quello dell'attacco: quando un pet ha ucciso un mostro si mette a vagare senza nessun comando, su Osi invece il pet si ferma e si mette come a "pensare" per alcuni secondi, se lo si lascia fare invece il pet esegue il comando dato in precedenza all'attacco (quindi se era in "all follow me" e gli si è dato "all kill", dopo aver ucciso la creatura e dopo essere passati quei 6 secondi il pet tornerà a seguirci) e inoltre si metterà a volare (se ne ha la possibilità).
    L'unico modo per farlo smettere di volare è dare "all stay".
    Dando più volte il comando all come c'è la possibilità che si verifichino due cose (possono avvenire anche contemporaneamente):
    C'è il 10% di possibilità che la creatura si metta a volare.
    Se il padrone è a + di 6 tiles ma sta nella range of perception del pet, il ha magery > o = 30, c'è il 20% della probabilità che il pet si teleporti sul padrone.

    Ora esaminiamo i comandi:

    Prima di tutto i pet appena tamati e non ancora rinominati non eseguiranno i comandi "nomepet + comando" (ad esempio "a horse come", poichè "a horse" non è considerato come il loro nome) ma bisognerà dare un comando generico, quindi con "all".

    Il comando "all guard" non si darà più in quella forma ma solo "all guard me" oppure "nomepet guard me", cambia inoltre il funzionamento di questo comando, ovvero una volta dato "all guard" ci verrà detto "nomepet is now guarding you" inoltre apparirà sotto al nostro nome la scritta "Guarded".
    Il pet non attaccherà le creature/player che ci attaccano, ma solamente le creature che noi attacchiamo per prime e non farà seguire il padrone dal pet.
    Come ultima cosa quando si dà il comando di guard il pet tornerà a eseguire il comando che gli si è dato precedentemente (se ad esempio era in "all follow me" e si dà il comando "all guard me" dopo essere apparsi i vari message il pet torna a seguirci)

    Il comando "all come" non farà più seguire il padrone dal pet ma farà venire il pet nel punto in cui è stato dato il comando (tra l'altro camminerà abbastanza lento), inoltre il comando "all come", così come "nomepet come", è molto utile per indurre il pet a teleportarsi sul padrone.
    Dopo che la creatura avrà raggiunto il padrone eseguirà l'ultimo comando che gli è stato dato.

    Il comando "all follow" e "nomepet follow" cambia poco, semplicemente quando apprirà il target per selezionare chi seguire vi verrà mandato il messaggio "Click on the person to follow".

    Il resto dei comandi rimane uguale.

    Le cose in più che centrano con i pet ma non specificatamente con i comandi sono:

    Le creature che vengono paciate e tamandole si arrabbiano si sbloccano per 2 secondi, dandogli la possibilità di fare qualche passo e di colpire chi le ha paciate se è nel suo raggio.
    Aggiustato il tempo che bisogna aspettare per riutilizzare peacemaking, se si fallisce ci sono 10 secondi di delay in ogni caso (prima se si falliva suonando male lo strumendo e targettando una sola creatura il delay era di 5 secondi), se invece si suona bene il delay è di 6 secondi (e non 5).

  • #2
    The system pet goes to modify the behavior of own pet based on sure commandos and to arrange some things care to they. Pet (the animals generally) do not run, only the WhiteWyrm, the Dragon and the Drake have the ability to fly (therefore move more in a hurry) and pass through to the trees. These creatures do not put themselves to fly if the master is distant from creature 5 tile or more. A speech connected to the flight is that one dell' attack: when a pet a monster has killed puts itself to ramble without no commando, on It dares instead the pet is stopped and it is put like to " pensare" for some second ones, if one lets to make instead the pet executes the commando given previously all' attack (therefore if it were in " all follow me" and it has been given " all kill" , after to have murdered the 6 creature and after to be last those second the pet will return to follow to us moreover) and it will put to fly (of it has the possibility). L' only way in order to make to stop it to fly is debit " all stay". Giving many times over the commando all like c' it is the possibility that two things are taken place (can happen at the same time also): C' it is 10% of possibility that the creature puts itself to fly. If the master is to + of 6 tiles but he is in the range of perception of the pet, he has magery > or = 30, c' it is 20% of the probability that the pet teleporti on the master. Now we examine the commandos: First of all the pet as soon as tamati and not still rinominati they will not execute the commandos " nomepet + comando" (as an example " to horse come" , since " to horse" it is not considered like their name) but it will have to give a generic commando, therefore with " all". The commando " all guard" more in that form will not be only given but " all guard me" or " nomepet guard me" , it changes moreover the operation of this commando, that is once given " all guard" it will come said to us " nomepet is now guarding you" moreover it will appear under to our name the written one " Guarded". The pet it will not attack the creatures/player that they attack to us, but only the creatures who we attack for first and it will not make to follow the master from the pet. Like last thing when he gives himself the commando of guard the pet will return to execute the commando who has given itself previously (if as an example he were in " all follow me" and the commando gives itself " all guard me" after to be appeared several message the pet he returns to follow to us) The commando " all come" it will not make more to follow the master from the pet but it will make to come the pet in the point in which it has been given the commando (between l' other will walk enough slow), moreover the commando " all come" , thus like " nomepet come" , it is much profit in order to induce the pet to teleportarsi on the master. After that the creature will have caught up the master executes l' last commando who it has been given. The commando " all follow" and " nomepet follow" he changes little, simply when apprirà the target in order to select who to follow will come to you sent the message " Click on the person to follow". The rest of the commandos remains equal. The things in more that they center not specifically with the pet but with the commandos are: The creatures who come paciate and tamandole anger unblock themselves for 2 second ones, dandogli the possibility to make some step and to hit who she has paciate to them if she is in its beam. Fixed the time that must wait for in order to re-use peacemaking, if she fails herself are 10 second ones of delay in any case (before if she failed herself playing the strumendo badly and targettando a single creature the delay were of 5 second ones), if instead sound the delay is well of 6 second ones (and not 5).


    • #3
      late batter than nothing asd


      • #4
        Lololol, necrophile!
        Find & loot.


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Armiman88 Visualizza il messaggio
          The system pet goes to modify the behavior of own pet based on sure commandos and to arrange some things care to they. Pet (the animals generally) do not run, only the WhiteWyrm, the Dragon and the Drake have the ability to fly (therefore move more in a hurry) and pass through to the trees. These creatures do not put themselves to fly if the master is distant from creature 5 tile or more. A speech connected to the flight is that one dell' attack: when a pet a monster has killed puts itself to ramble without no commando, on It dares instead the pet is stopped and it is put like to " pensare" for some second ones, if one lets to make instead the pet executes the commando given previously all' attack (therefore if it were in " all follow me" and it has been given " all kill" , after to have murdered the 6 creature and after to be last those second the pet will return to follow to us moreover) and it will put to fly (of it has the possibility). L' only way in order to make to stop it to fly is debit " all stay". Giving many times over the commando all like c' it is the possibility that two things are taken place (can happen at the same time also): C' it is 10% of possibility that the creature puts itself to fly. If the master is to + of 6 tiles but he is in the range of perception of the pet, he has magery > or = 30, c' it is 20% of the probability that the pet teleporti on the master. Now we examine the commandos: First of all the pet as soon as tamati and not still rinominati they will not execute the commandos " nomepet + comando" (as an example " to horse come" , since " to horse" it is not considered like their name) but it will have to give a generic commando, therefore with " all". The commando " all guard" more in that form will not be only given but " all guard me" or " nomepet guard me" , it changes moreover the operation of this commando, that is once given " all guard" it will come said to us " nomepet is now guarding you" moreover it will appear under to our name the written one " Guarded". The pet it will not attack the creatures/player that they attack to us, but only the creatures who we attack for first and it will not make to follow the master from the pet. Like last thing when he gives himself the commando of guard the pet will return to execute the commando who has given itself previously (if as an example he were in " all follow me" and the commando gives itself " all guard me" after to be appeared several message the pet he returns to follow to us) The commando " all come" it will not make more to follow the master from the pet but it will make to come the pet in the point in which it has been given the commando (between l' other will walk enough slow), moreover the commando " all come" , thus like " nomepet come" , it is much profit in order to induce the pet to teleportarsi on the master. After that the creature will have caught up the master executes l' last commando who it has been given. The commando " all follow" and " nomepet follow" he changes little, simply when apprirà the target in order to select who to follow will come to you sent the message " Click on the person to follow". The rest of the commandos remains equal. The things in more that they center not specifically with the pet but with the commandos are: The creatures who come paciate and tamandole anger unblock themselves for 2 second ones, dandogli the possibility to make some step and to hit who she has paciate to them if she is in its beam. Fixed the time that must wait for in order to re-use peacemaking, if she fails herself are 10 second ones of delay in any case (before if she failed herself playing the strumendo badly and targettando a single creature the delay were of 5 second ones), if instead sound the delay is well of 6 second ones (and not 5).
          armis...U ROX REALLY
          Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
          Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
          Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
          ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
          credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
          C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da Dj_Amix Visualizza il messaggio
            armis...U ROX REALLY
            Andrea love you :****************


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