Select Item: you must select an item which is in you backpack (except containers and Comodity Deeds)
Auction Name: Name of the auction (the minimal length is 4 characters).
Description: Description of the item to auction.
Base: The start price of the item (in gp, greater than 0).
Minimal bid: Minimal quantity between two offers (in gp, greater than 0).
Instant Win (optional): Instantaneous win price (greater/equal to base + bid).
Since Last Offer (Optional): Time which has to pass before an auction ends.
End Date (Optional): Expiration of the auction [day/month/year, hours:minutes:seconds]. It must be greater than 12 hours from the start of the auction or from the value set up in Since Last Offer and minor than 15 days.
You are only allowed to use alphanumeric characters, accented words and apostrophes in strings.
You can use "k" and "kk" instead of 000 and 000000.
At least one end-way (End Date / Since Last Offer) must be set up.
Inside End Date you can omit the timetable, or the second one.
The Item category is automatically assigned by the system.
If the auction fails due to any reason (problems with database), the object will be back into the bank.