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Recent changes ?

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  • Recent changes ?

    Could someone explain the recent changes ? Changes in props like hit mana leech and hit life leech. Also the weapon speed ? I searched the forum but maybe my italian is not that good and couldn't find I've heard that's how is gonna be from now on.. but what's the idea ? Heavier weapons => lesser prop and lighter weapons=>higher props ?
    ICQ 292 283 049
    UO ruined my life.

  • #2
    I make a little summary, if i manage..

    HLL and HML
    Those 2 properties have now a different mechianc. Every times you hit successfully an enemy (pvp or pvm) you leech a certain amount of life/mana dipending on HLL/HML bonus on your weapon: i think formulas are
    - HML: HML bonus x 0.04 x damage done ----> the result is leech cap with your
    weapon, this means at each hit you can leech fro 0 to the leech cap. For example, if a make a 30 hp damage with a 20 mana leech weapon, at each hit i can gain from 0 to 2.4 mana (30x0.04x20 = 2.4)
    - HLL works in the same way, but now the modifier is 0.03: that is with a 40 HLL weapon, doing 30 hp damage, you can gain from 0 to 3.6
    I dont know perfectly if i have used the right modifiers, but i m sure this is almost how it works now. Stamina leech doesn't change

    But, there is another things: now each weapon has a own HLL and HML cap, determined by base speed, and the more the weapon is faster, the lesser the HML/HLL cap is. For example, wraith of the driad (ishelnar very slow arty) now has 81 HML. So, faster weapon now cant have a too high HML/HLL bonus

    About weapon speed, now it doeasnt scale with a number, but in seconds, and every 30 point of stamina (30-60-90-120...) the speed is reduced by 0.25s. For weapon with SSI bonus the situation is more complicated, so you can use this post i made in "Doubt&Question" forum

    In conclusion, i can say now situation is a little different: fastest weapon now leech less then before, and heaviest ones leech as much as before, or just a bit more. Regarding weapong speed, now it will be more difficult swing at the cap (1.25sec), expecially with bows (driad archers immediatly understood..)

    I hope you have understand


    • #3
      well, thanks , i think this helped me a lot

      ahh and one more question:
      "now each weapon has a own HLL and HML cap, determined by base speed, and the more the weapon is faster, the lesser the HML/HLL cap is."
      this means faster weapon = lower HML/HLL cap
      and slower weapon = higher HML/HLL cap ?
      because i had some bows that after changes lost about 10-12 points of HML, (also one 2bladed staff lost 10 hml)
      Ultima modifica di WarDog; 27-08-2007, 21:34.
      ICQ 292 283 049
      UO ruined my life.


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da WarDog Visualizza il messaggio
        well, thanks , i think this helped me a lot

        ahh and one more question:
        "now each weapon has a own HLL and HML cap, determined by base speed, and the more the weapon is faster, the lesser the HML/HLL cap is."
        this means faster weapon = lower HML/HLL cap
        and slower weapon = higher HML/HLL cap ?
        because i had some bows that after changes lost about 10-12 points of HML, (also one 2bladed staff lost 10 hml)
        Sorry, i forgot about bows.. I have understood, even if i dont play any archer templates, that ranged weapons has HML/HLL cap reduced by half (this is way it can be low even if the weapon is slow) ^^


        • #5
          I think all changes are on this site


          No one has translated them since 13.3.2007 (leet date heh) because there's a lot of stuff when you switch the page to italian language but nothing in english version. (same was for rules about a month ago, friend lost all of his stuff because he broke rules which were in italian but they wasnt translated in english so no english player could not know them, now all my friends have quit playing and Im left alone )


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