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Question for 3Dclient

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  • Question for 3Dclient

    Hello there , I just wanted to ask if there is a way to play in UODreams with the 3D client? and also I keep getting stuck in Haven when walking out the moongate, my character just sinks and gets stuck underground.
    Thanks for anyones help

  • #2
    you need to patch your client to version /

    haven has been completly destroied yesterday night

    i'm not sure but i think you can't use the 3d client anymore, amdir said on another post to get the 2d version because the 3d will not be implemented anymore...


    • #3
      oh ok, thanks


      • #4
        The 3d client is no longer being developed by OSI


        • #5
          i don't know why peple using 3d starter to play uodreams but i know that this people arel very uneppy becouse thei object asnd their problemns came tu the reaòl life.
          i don't take a usurname becouse my name is i do'nt want a spm nikname!

          Finalmente una firma degna di nota...


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da extremeblao Visualizza il messaggio
            i don't know why peple using 3d starter to play uodreams but i know that this people arel very uneppy becouse thei object asnd their problemns came tu the reaòl life.
            i don't take a usurname becouse my name is i do'nt want a spm nikname!


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da extremeblao Visualizza il messaggio
              i don't know why peple using 3d starter to play uodreams but i know that this people arel very uneppy becouse thei object asnd their problemns came tu the reaòl life.
              i don't take a usurname becouse my name is i do'nt want a spm nikname!
              which language are u speaking sir?

              isn't bad to make fun of somebody who doesnt know the language,is it?

              w la zanichelli

              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
              Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
              ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
              credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
              C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


              Sto operando...