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Looking for template suggestions for a pvm char

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  • Looking for template suggestions for a pvm char

    Since it's my first post on these forums, I'll start off by saying hi. I started playing on UOdreams about a week ago. I'm at a loss when it comes to most of the things on this server, because I've only played on shards with older client versions before (pre-aos, since apparently for some reason a lot of people don't like the newer versions). Because of this I'm not familiar with all the item mods introduced it aos and after. Mods like LRC and such have made me think if I should've rolled a caster in any case, since it's probably much cheaper to play one on a server like this.

    The first char I rolled here was a paladin, and I'm starting to doubt he's effectiveness. I relize that paladins probably can be incradibly effective with the right equipment and when they're played well, but for a newbie like me playing a char like that can be quite difficult. I have very low resists and I tend to get owned by mobs that shouldn't be that difficult to kill. Because of this I started to think if I should've rolled a mage or a necro/mage first in any case. I was wondering if I could get some template suggestions for my first serious pvm char from you guys? Another thing I'd like to know is, how much would I have to pay for a leather suit with 100% lrc (with base resistances preferably, to make it cheaper).

    Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Ultima modifica di Teaboar; 17-05-2007, 23:30.

  • #2
    I came to the conclusion that I'll make a necro/mage for pvm. I've managed to buy equipment that will give me 63%lrc. Now I'd like to know how much I'd have to pay for leather(or any other armor without penalty to meditation) gloves, leggings, gorget and sleeves that would give me the remaining 37%lrc? Any help evaluating these items, and possibly pointing me to a vendor where I could get them, would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: I'd also like to know what would be the ideal skills to start with for a necro mage? Thank you in advance.


    • #3
      100% lrc suit is not worth shit . But if ya buy them from vendors they can be pretty expensive. Skills for necromage = Magery 50, necro 50. Then just start by raising spirit speak to 100, let your meditation and focus raise at the same time so it wil lbe easier to macro other skills with lrc suit which has no mr.


      • #4
        Thanks for the reply Keffu, I appreciate it. Even though lrc suits might be worthless in general, I'm certainly having a hard time finding one myself, so buying them from these expensive vendors you mentioned is the only way for me, seeing as I don't know anyone on this shard. Also, how should I distribute my stats for a necro/mage when creating him? And last but not least, are both player races available on uodreams, and if they are which race would be better for the char in question?


        • #5
          hi, as a fellow minority player ill offer you some advice. if your looking for a pvm char then yea necro mage is best;

          stats should be around about 90/15/120 (str/dex/int)

          you can pick up lrc from vendors pretty cheap outside luna walls, i got a full suit for about 20k when i started a few weeks ago. once you've got enough skills to hunt (mage/necro/ss/resist/eval/medit/scribe(maybe) go to ilshenar > spirituality and go to the blood dungeon to hunt blood elementals. theres usually more people there so its easy to just jump in and kill stuff.

          thats how i started, thats all the advice i have really, im still quite new anyway


          • #6
            Thanks a lot for the help ionz69. Again, I appreciate it. I was finally able to buy a 100%lrc, even though I must say that I payed more than you did. As for the stats, I was wondering how I should distibute the stats at character creation. I ended up starting with 50str and 20int, seeing as I thought my int would naturally raise much faster than my str. I'm raising SS atm, and I'd say I distributed them alright, seeing as I've already gained several points in int.


            • #7
              yea, str is definately the hardest to gain, good choice. im still trying to fix my stats now. having a real problem with them as ive already trained most the skills i can use to do it and only have 61 str finally got it working now though.

              did u come here alone?


              • #8
                If you've reached the skillcap, you might give mining a shot if you haven't already. My blacksmith has gained a lot of str in only a few hours I've played with him. And yes, I did come to this shard by myself. I have yet to type something else than "Sorry, I don't understand you" in game.


                • #9
                  haha well if you are a pvp'er than we might be able to help you, theres about 6 of us who moved from another shard to come here for some more competative pvp. if your interested in teaming up with us just pm me your msn details and ill be intouch

                  p.s i fixed my str:P


                  • #10
                    100 magery, necro, evalint, magicres, meditation, spiritspeak, a combat\taming

                    as soon as u can afford it,buy even stupid lrc pieces to get 100% lrc.
                    Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                    Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                    Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                    ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                    credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                    C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                    Sto operando...