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  • #31
    Originariamente inviato da Arioch
    Meaning "Taratapioca blinda come fosse gia` super*****la quintana, essendo fritto una mucca che antani era insieme a taratablinda, antani soffia insieme a una cosa impossibile. Ma lei, sbiligufi blinda soltanto con un numero imprecisato di rubli, rubli, nel senso analitico, antani umilia sbidiguri con scappellamento a sinistra carpiato antani."

    Originariamente inviato da Darth Vader
    Mike ,if people bring 5 DF´s and YOU die ,and people loot your beetle is NOT GAME MASTERS PROBLEM.Thats is not a reasson to send a page.In fact,if I would be the GM,I just jailed you for sending a page for that.

    PS.Next time I see you in doom I´ll bring 5 DF´s just for fun.
    PS.It´s true that sometimes GM´s send you to jail and you get no answer from them.That´s very disappointing.
    that's the point
    Zuegg il Tardo [TMG]
    Originariamente inviato da Restless Soul
    chi tocca il succo muore.
    Nel Forno - Since 24-05-2007


    • #32
      Originariamente inviato da Darth Vader
      Mike ,if people bring 5 DF´s and YOU die ,and people loot your beetle is NOT GAME MASTERS PROBLEM.Thats is not a reasson to send a page.In fact,if I would be the GM,I just jailed you for sending a page for that.

      PS.Next time I see you in doom I´ll bring 5 DF´s just for fun.
      PS.It´s true that sometimes GM´s send you to jail and you get no answer from them.That´s very disappointing.
      Iv been jailed several times when I started to play at uod for lureing monsters to others And I was told that it was physical harashment. So yes if they lure lots of ds to kill your pets and you it is harashment. Ofcourse we cant be sure about what is was but thats not the point here.

      PS. Mike lives in Canada right? They speak lots of english in Canada right? So why would a dude who has spoken english his entire life say "Fuck Amdir" like someone who is just learning and checking words from a dictionary to harash anyone? Sounds pretty ridiculous to me. Amdir would you be nice and post the logs here? o.o


      • #33
        Keffu,I didnt know that was physical harashment.I cant even see anything about it in the rules.I´m not saying that you are a liar but if thats true I hope GM´s change their mind becouse I dont agree with it.
        Firma Irregolare.


        • #34
          My eng is too bad and not is a secret, never learned in my schoolar studies.

          I talked to a few people who speak english very well, "fuck Amdir" for a person is:

          fuck + other word = fuck refer the other word -> bad word
          fuck that -> good word

          but all other people think "fuck Amdir" isnt a bad word, then is my error, sorry

          Next time, dont use bad word near my nick you can jailed

          Mike your stuff is on your pg (recovered) and your account is sjailed.



          • #35
            Why not just post the logs and show everyone you are right Amdir? If you are so confident you understood him correctly. This way, folks can read for themselves and come to their own conclusion. I remember Mike from my days on Dreams and I know he wouldn't say that - so I for one would love to see the logs to make up my own mind. Its the only way you are gonna make this go away.......


            • #36
              Because for get the log i need more of 30mins... and the word in game not are logged if noone make a verbal page. Then the log are useless in this situation. Too many time for get a log of a confirmed (both gm/pg) page



              • #37
                Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                Next time, dont use bad word near my nick you can jailed
                I think this is another important thing, someone paging a GM should always keep himself calm, and avoid any bad-words use. moderation is necessary, no matter the situation. I know it could be difficult sometimes, but by keeping quiet you can explain better and quicker, and avoid misunderstandings like this thread's one. however, everything ended well, and that's all
                Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
                Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
                Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

                As the final darkness Falls...


                • #38
                  Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                  My eng is too bad and not is a secret, never learned in my schoolar studies.

                  I talked to a few people who speak english very well, "fuck Amdir" for a person is:

                  fuck + other word = fuck refer the other word -> bad word
                  fuck that -> good word

                  but all other people think "fuck Amdir" isnt a bad word, then is my error, sorry

                  Next time, dont use bad word near my nick you can jailed

                  Mike your stuff is on your pg (recovered) and your account is sjailed.

                  So Mike remains in jail? Well atleast items have been recovered. o.o


                  • #39
                    he said sjailed, probably an italianization, meaning the contrary. so now mike should be free

                    amdir owns all :***
                    Azura of [Requiem] - Crushridge EU
                    Nerevar, Once [AlWaYs On ToP] - UoD
                    Nerevar, Far Once [§hiny §hadows] - UoD

                    As the final darkness Falls...


                    • #40
                      Originariamente inviato da Nerevar
                      he said sjailed, probably an italianization, meaning the contrary. so now mike should be free
                      Mike is free



                      • #41
                        Everyone is happy, grab some icecream Amdir +10cm


                        • #42
                          thank you guys,
                          i didn't mean any harm to anyone,
                          glad i can be part of uod again ^^

                          i dont wanna be a dick, but i lost half the stuff i was wearing, and half remained. =/ i'l check in bank i gues, or i lost them, just luck suits
                          ok bye
                          Ultima modifica di Grom09; 29-08-2006, 19:59.
                          msn -

                          right now, fooling around with my shard from 2006+
                          xd DF!


                          • #43
                            Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                            Mike is free



                            • #44
                              GMs are not obliged to JUSTIFY their work to u people(there are higher rank people like Admins),if u dont like the way the shard it's managed,BYE BYE there are many.

                              for the "insult" well it isnt....if it had been it would have been written like this, Amdir fuck u....."amdir fuck" it's just swearing against bad luck cause he's so mad.

                              for all the people who disrespect gm's work,why u still here?u're just a bunch of hypocrits.
                              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                              Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                              ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                              credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                              C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                              • #45
                                Originariamente inviato da Doomtrooper
                                GMs are not obliged to JUSTIFY their work to u people(there are higher rank people like Admins),if u dont like the way the shard it's managed,BYE BYE there are many.

                                for the "insult" well it isnt....if it had been it would have been written like this, Amdir fuck u....."amdir fuck" it's just swearing against bad luck cause he's so mad.

                                for all the people who disrespect gm's work,why u still here?u're just a bunch of hypocrits.
                                off topic?? or just late in discussion????


                                Sto operando...