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What is that ? dissimulation ?

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  • What is that ? dissimulation ?

    One person was banned only because he protected himself against decision that he decided was wrong. And what staff did ? They tried to speak with him ? No. They listened him, his point of view ? No. Only threatened him and later banned him.
    For what ? for penis or what ?
    Falici symbols ?? LOL
    they have them everywhere..
    What's that if not penis ? - i always thought such smile means - FUCK YOU.. and symbolize penis.. this smile is allowed at UOD and in list of smiles near all other..
    - another nice smile speaking about sexual relations - and i thought it means - you fucked.. it's also allowed at UOD
    - how i can translate this word ? suck, isn't it ? suck what ? dick or ass.. another smile about sexual relations..
    - another one smile with the same sense as
    - contains word ass..

    all speak stfu at forum - and it means - Shut Up Fuck yUo ... and i never saw that somebody was suspended for it.. even in topics where were gms.. they only closed eyes on that.. if they close eyes than it's allowed..

    Don't know how after all that they still can affirm that he actioned not by rules
    he saw what's allowed and did the same..

    smell's like hypocrisy

  • #2
    You are right,all the image you show are smiles,but i don't understand a thing,why your friend specify that the symbol he wrote isn't a smile?I think with that symbol there is 2 interpretation,smile or a symbol to offense the other.
    When you specify that isn't a smile i think that there isn't other interpretation....


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da RuKa
      You are right,all the image you show are smiles,but i don't understand a thing,why your friend specify that the symbol he wrote isn't a smile?I think with that symbol there is 2 interpretation,smile or a symbol to offense the other.
      When you specify that isn't a smile i think that there isn't other interpretation....
      lol.. no man.. all images - r symbols. and symbols can be smiles.. besides smiles there r grins and grimaces.. they r not smiles. btw smiles r EMOTIONS .. Emotions exist different. smiles only one of them.
      Noone asked him - WHAT IS IT IF NOT SMILE ? i bet he knew what to asnwer not using word penis.. interpretations always exist.. it depends on ur fantasy

      where work rules there is no place for conjecture
      penis is a conjecture.. cause he didn't say what his image means and noone ask about it
      Ultima modifica di Ospite; 28-06-2006, 15:06.


      • #4
        In your last post there isnt' any sense,but another question,all the images you bring in the thread symbolize other thing and of course you must see the contest to give the correct interpretation.
        In the situation we are talking about the symbol can not be interpreted because your friend specify the sense he give to them (isn't a smile for what he writes).In italy that symbol can be a smile or an offensive word,if you tell me that isn't a smile the only thing that remain is the second.
        And not tell that in russia that symbol is always considered a smile,because you are playing in an italian server.

        So why the staff must try to interpretate the thing he wrotes if there isn't only one interpretation?


        • #5
          again for
          all images with sense r symbols.
          Some symbols can show EMOTIONS.
          Emotions can be joyful, wicked, interrogative ( wonder, incomprehension and other )
          Joyful emotions r smiles.
          Wicked or interrogative r expressions and grimaces. simply cause man doesn't smile u.. but looks realy the same simply cause the same muscles on face work in that moment
          and if u said that it's not smile then it could be wicked or interrogative emotion
          understanding depends on intellectual and cultural development of person.

          and all that means simple thing. he meant only that he meant instead how u understood that.. nothing more.. what he meant noone asked him. so u can't judge him for that. u could ask him what he meant.. noone did that


          • #6
            btw all that emotions ( list lower ) - allowed.. if they installed.

            fuck you
            you fucked
            suck ass suck dick
            with penis or ass as implication

            3 expressions that allowed and exist on this forum.


            • #7
              Originariamente inviato da Grechnevaja Kasha
              understanding depends on intellectual and cultural development of person.

              and all that means simple thing. he meant only that he meant instead how u understood that.. nothing more.. what he meant noone asked him. so u can't judge him for that. u could ask him what he meant.. noone did that
              Understanding depends on the contest,you don't know why your friends write that or if you know i don't find it in your post
              Your argomentation is not too strong,do you really think that if he writes the message in offensive style he admit this?Or you simply try to "climb to the mirrors" with the usual phrase:i cannot find this rules so it's legal?


              • #8
                Originariamente inviato da Grechnevaja Kasha
                all speak stfu at forum - and it means - Shut Up Fuck yUo
                It's Shut THE fuck UP
                Trava on UoD
                Council Of Mages Factions

                GoodFellas - ']['rava
                I In Vas Mani I M/El 20 [GfS]

                Council Of Mages Factions



                • #9
                  contest was - galadriel didn't addressed to him and one person wrote that he wrote and explained that he didn't laugh at galadriels words.. he didn't write what his 8===D mean.. and noone asked him

                  if my isn't strong.. u haven't argumentation at all..
                  offensive style isn't insult or verbal herrasment. - all use words - noob rosik - it's offensive style.. but noone jailed for them. yes he admit that was offensive style.. but he can't admit that there was any insult.. and he doesn't agree that 8===D in his sentence was penis. first of all him to solve what he said.. without direct indications 8===D isn't penis.. penis - indirect assertion.

                  btw my nickname is offensive or no ? it doesn't carry insults in it and doesn't consist of bard words. you can translate it as "boiled buckwheat"

                  yes Trava. You closer to the truth.


                  • #10
                    Mmmm i think you don't read one of my previous post.
                    You are in Italy,here that symbol or is a smile (i never see person use this as a smile) or is penis,when you talk with a person (galadriel) that are talking with another person (di of bro) and without reason write adressed him/her "do you think this is a smile?Noooooo" remain only 1 meant.
                    All the rest (the staff can tell him what kind of mean he give to that symbol) not have sense because i think if you are wrong never admit it.

                    Another question,for example if in russia is usual greet each other with blasfemy italian words do you think you can use them in a game because in your country is permit?

                    Ah another thing,what do you want to tell with your nickname?grano bollito.....
                    Ultima modifica di RuKa; 28-06-2006, 20:03.


                    • #11
                      here that symbol or is a smile
                      i already wrote about images.. what is image.. what is symbol.. and what r emotions.. if u didn't understand - ur mental development - ~ i can't say.. cause staff will think that was penis or ass or something else that in italy is soo bad.. sooo bad...
                      so then for u 8=D realy have only two variants. 1 dick and 2nd smile...
                      in real life i can easiely prove my words. some simple logical tests and get u.

                      as i wrote before - FUCK YOU ... YOU FUCKED ... FUCK ASS words and PENIS as a symbol ALLOWED on shard. I EXPLAINED why i think so and why is so.

                      just smiles for u guys.. that's SMILES from this Forum .. laugh noobs ^^
                      Loki - allowed
                      Feynor - allowed
                      and for u Ruka :
                      laugh if it's so funny.. hope u liked my smiles.
                      Ultima modifica di Ospite; 28-06-2006, 21:40.


                      • #12
                        btw one person was jailed for 8=D

                        and banned cause he had his own opinion on words he said. cause he tryed to get explanations.. and wrote about this situation at forum. discibed situation made laugh many guys.. and noone of russians and lot's of italians don't understand why staff BANNED one person.
                        better bann urself.


                        • #13
                          I didn't read every post but I think it's funny to see over 20 years old guy/girl crying to hes mother (admin) cause someone next to him sayd "8===D"... again, game is only for having fun and this is not funny anymore cause I see man acting like a 13 year old child. Give the man hes account back and some of you please go get real friends and have a beer or something. cheers.

                          - Kovis

                          ps. I'm 23.

                          pps. not insulting anyone, just wondering...
                          Ultima modifica di Lubbakorva; 28-06-2006, 22:08.


                          • #14
                            Originariamente inviato da Grechnevaja Kasha
                            I EXPLAINED why i think so and why is so.
                            Visto che tanto il discorso come si è visto non porterà mai da nessuna parte mi limito a concludere scrivendo direttamente in italiano,dal momento che voi scrivete tranquillamente nella vostra lingua senza permettere agli altri di capire nulla non vedo perchè non lo posso fare anche io
                            La frase che ho quotato riporta esattamente il tuo pensiero,non hai spiegato assolutamente niente portando come esempi 3 cose che normalmente possono interagire tra di loro ma che in questo contesto non hanno assolutamente senso,si parla di un simbolo (8=====D,ah c'è una bella differenza tra un 8=D e un 8==========D o in russia lo considerate uguale?) il cui senso non può essere frainteso (essendoci oltretutto la precisazione)
                            Tuttavi ti ostini a dire che il discorso corretto è quello che dici te perchè lo dici te,grande argomentazione.
                            Sostieni che non si poteva jailarlo perchè non gli si è chiesto cosa intendeva dire......e come ti ho gia scritto + volte sicuramente una persona che sa di non aver fatto una cosa proprio simpaticissima sarà li ad ammettere la propria "colpa".
                            Ulteriore aggiunta il fatto che sul forum siano permesse delle immagini (che sono diverse da dei simboli) questo non implica che vadano bene anche per il gioco,stesso discorso per il linguaggio che sicuramente nei tuoi post non è stato del tutto aulico e ricercato.

                            Per finire il continuo botta e risposta era limitato alla jail,tutto il discorso su 8=D non centra nulla con il ban (almeno nei miei post)se poi te se convinto che sia stato bannato per questo andrei magari a rivedere il tono usato nei suoi ultimi post (assomiglia un po agli ultimi post tuoi)

                            Con questa ti saluto e ti lascio alle tue certezze e al tuo mondo nel quale una cosa è giusta perchè tu sai che è tale
                            Ah spero che il traduttore faccia capire un minimo senso di tutto questo post cosi per una volta ci metteremo allo stesso livello in cui si è costretti ad usare un traduttore per carpire qualche parola di thread in cui non vi rivolgete di sicuro simpaticamente nei nostri confronti Bye bye


                            • #15
                              Originariamente inviato da Grechnevaja Kasha
                              36 years old?

                              If in Italy 8====D is a penis, on UODreams Shard is a penis. STOP.

                              If "porco xxx" is a russian "hello" on UODreams Shard you are jailed for blasfemity! The staff cant learn all the slangs or all the symbols of other people, the people we want play on UODreams Shard must learn the italian rules

                              Amdir the sooker


                              Sto operando...