today i was fishing up.... and then puff.... i got a message of a deep sea serpent coming out along with one item: special fishing net.... very normal uhhh?? i didnt get surprised about that but..... when i open the fallen corpse, *** i got a Fire special fishing net..... now this is my question, what is the chance to get one of those colored special fishing nets??
Ancora nessun annuncio.
question only....
Originariamente inviato da Mielduotoday i was fishing up.... and then puff.... i got a message of a deep sea serpent coming out along with one item: special fishing net.... very normal uhhh?? i didnt get surprised about that but..... when i open the fallen corpse, *** i got a Fire special fishing net..... now this is my question, what is the chance to get one of those colored special fishing nets??but can you tell me what is the difference between fire net and green net? o.0
Originariamente inviato da Mielduono difference in use, but those colored nets are really nice decoration
Edit: Just found this:
looks like you have about the 9% of getting a fire colored one when a special fishing net spawns, just like any other color.Ultima modifica di neo2083; 14-05-2006, 02:36.
Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire