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  • #16
    Best of all - Bushido/Ninja/Archer - you can't beat it, like any other dexer char its eq based and as long as you have half a brain about game mechanics you know how to set this one up. Let me give you an example - I was rocking this template as soon as Bushido and Ninjitsu were implemented here and I have kicked arse ever since.....shame I can't stomach this shard anymore else I'd still be playing him here!!

    TTFN - Nice knowing you all, nice killing most of ya, and nice to know that I just gave everything I had to Keffu......ROFL!!!


    • #17
      Originariamente inviato da Goodfella
      Best of all - Bushido/Ninja/Archer - you can't beat it, like any other dexer char its eq based and as long as you have half a brain about game mechanics you know how to set this one up. Let me give you an example - I was rocking this template as soon as Bushido and Ninjitsu were implemented here and I have kicked arse ever since.....shame I can't stomach this shard anymore else I'd still be playing him here!!

      TTFN - Nice knowing you all, nice killing most of ya, and nice to know that I just gave everything I had to Keffu......ROFL!!!
      ^^ Be cool


      • #18
        Originariamente inviato da Goodfella
        Best of all - Bushido/Ninja/Archer - you can't beat it, like any other dexer char its eq based and as long as you have half a brain about game mechanics you know how to set this one up.
        it doesn't work with defencive templates in all 60-70 resistances. u can kill only after successful deathstrike.. deathstrike will be without tracking.. cause u haven't any free skill points for tracking.
        150 stamina not enough for fast swing. 30ssi not enough for fast swing.. repeating crossbows doesnt deal enough dmg.. moving target is almost impossible to kill..
        u should wear lots of lmc mr and mi.. much means shortage of hci dci di
        u depend only on ignors and lightning strikes with perfection?
        in many situations dmg u can deal will be not enough to kill victim
        i know that because i have such character.. ( in fight : 120str. 150dex. 100mana. 40lmc 10mr. 120hps.. with good weapons all 30ssi with hci.. some of them with hit lower defence and 40+ lightning) i can fight battle very long... but.. with other template i can deal 110 dmg in two shots..
        Too many times it is necessary to hit successively in this template.


        • #19
          Rex do you seriously think that you can kill someone with a proper suit with your double strike/shot spam?


          • #20
            want to upset u. i speak not about double shots


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