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Taming gain?

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  • Taming gain?

    what the hell happened to taming gain?
    I'm trying to make a tamer here (again) so taming 50 + 26 jewls = 76
    so, I'm taming bulls...

    alore gained 30 -> 100 and taming 50 -> 56.9, it didnt take this long before! grrr...

  • #2
    This is the new way to gain taming skill. Look here:

    50 -> 55.9 = Horse
    56 -> 60.9 = Polar Bear, Walrus
    61 -> 65.9 = Brown Bear, Cougar
    66 -> 72.9 = Alligator, Scorpion [Cougar, Snow Leopard, Panther, Grey Wolf]
    73 -> 78.9 = Snow Leopard, Panther, Grey Wolf
    79 -> 85.9 = Great Hart, Grizzly Bear
    86 -> 90.9 = White Wolf
    91 -> 96.9 = Bull
    97 -> 101.9 = Frenzied Ostard
    102 -> 109.9 = Ridgeback
    110 -> 114.9 = Baka-Kitsune, Hell Hound, Predator Hellcat [Ridgeback]
    115 -> 120 = Dragon, Swamp Dragon, Ki-Rin, Unicorn
    Firma Irregolare


    • #3
      I quited taming at 100.1 ... It is useless to look at those pathetic gains... after 90...


      • #4
        but still gain is VERY slow, I mean it only gains when taming succeeds. earlyer it gained also if it failed... I think this is stupid update but it's only my opinion.


        • #5
          Taming is one of the hardest skills to raise... and You are right Luba... there is a chance for gain on succesfull tame. ;(
          What can we do? nothing...
          play and cry - like some others say



          • #6
            lol some pvp help on bulls in felluca and u can raise taming in two days with script afk i think..
            cause biggest problem is to find place where u can tame and kill animals alone
            my friend asked me to kill some guys there or to defend him against them.. ghgh
            he was in faction also )).. faction guys tryed to catch up him ))

            btw it is easier to train after 70 then before as i know

            p.s. i just want to tell that u can train taming in few days as before
            Ultima modifica di sema87; 22-04-2006, 03:25.


            • #7
              no I cant, I'm training with bulls... afk. and belive me I know how to do it.
              you can try yourself it's a lot slower than before.


              • #8
                taming gains depends on quantity of artys u've got in doom
                curse on ur tamer.. u sold ur soul to devil for artys .. i believe in this
                Ultima modifica di Ospite; 23-04-2006, 23:19.


                • #9
                  hahahah perhaps I should make same kind of loop (razor) to taming gain which I have in arty drop


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