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Russian forum

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  • #31
    I think lots of ppl in the world speak russia gos many countrys have been under its influence in the past 0.o Same goes with USA. Big countrys conquered little ones and they had to learn other language to make a living. My point was that if russia or usa were as small as Finland would they been able to conquire so many other countrys


    • #32
      I haven't problems and another russians players!
      Only Keffu have some problem!


      • #33
        Originariamente inviato da RexMundi
        Russia as Finland ? )
        worst example..

        on Russian speaks not because of its size.. just cause Russia is great country
        and cause our great scientists developed great rockets
        Surely is a "great country".. corruption, most of the ppl in russia are poor as hell and others are more rich than all the poor people added together.. Great rockets yeah.. probably blow up on launch at the time being russia is in deep shit.

        I really don't care if you have your own private forum where you can discuss about new housing techniques.. Sure, we don't know how many russians are in this shard, I've only seen like 8 and 6 of them were sitting in their houses. The rest 2 near the gate but my best wishes for you to learn how to stay away from the house and try to PvP..


        • #34
          Originariamente inviato da durik
          I haven't problems and another russians players!
          Only Keffu have some problem!
          I have this many problems with russian players 0


          • #35
            Originariamente inviato da Aleziiii
            Surely is a "great country".. corruption, most of the ppl in russia are poor as hell and others are more rich than all the poor people added together.. Great rockets yeah.. probably blow up on launch at the time being russia is in deep shit.
            After this worlds, in russia you will be die!

            Don't come to russia!
            May be you want say that only in Russia corruption?
            in all countrys in world corruption! if you think that in Italia, France. Germany no corruption it's no true!!!


            • #36
              GreatBritain - 244,100,000 km2
              Finland - 337,030,000 km2

              Finland >>> GreatBritain

              country lesser than urs colonized so many countrys.. but ur country was always part of any other ^^.. russia for example or dutch kingdom ^^

              Same goes with USA.

              learn history

              USA like a soapy bubble
              Ultima modifica di Ospite; 07-04-2006, 13:21.


              • #37
                Originariamente inviato da RexMundi
                GreatBritain - 244,100,000 km2
                Finland - 337,030,000 km2

                Finland >>> GreatBritain

                country lesser than urs colonized so many countrys.. but ur country was always part of any other ^^.. russia for example or dutch kingdom ^^

                learn history

                USA like a soapy bubble
                Yeah so? Were not that type that we need to conquire other countrys. For example look at our location. But who cares that we were part of russia. Happily we didnt have to learn that mumbling you speak And why is that? Well it has already been discovered that you fucked up coquering us and that saved us from your corruption <3. Take a walk at any direction you want from Moscow and all ya see is poor street childs being raped by some rich mumbler. Im not saing that there isnt corruption in other countrys but Russia is one of the biggest. Youl propably start saing again that "Lol we won blablablabla" but who gives a shit did you win or not. If you lose over 200k of men in a battle against little shit like Finland its a shame. Btw we lost under 50k.
                But as I already said this thread should be closed.
                PS. RexMundi its not like you have had any of these Russians great conquires just enjoy your dads money.
                This was my last post to this shit. Gos I know there will be 1000000 lines of explanations from the N side ;O


                • #38
                  this a gaming forum, not political, stop discussions and continue it by private way.
                  italian user, or russian user (look at country flag)?
                  Originariamente inviato da Choibolsan
                  You never see your ass but it still exists.

                  As for the English thing, I don't see any important reasons to post in English if we can talk Russian instead. A lot of us talk or at least understand English language for it's obligatory to learn it at school in our country. That means we are able communicate in your language. But can you do the same thing with Russian? В натуре ты чувак рамсы попутал!


                  • #39
                    shit throwing contest...

                    read the whole thread again... is it really worth to argue which country is THE BEST and which is a piece of s...t? Calm down this is only a game.

                    Ultima modifica di fuxik; 07-04-2006, 16:42.


                    • #40
                      Originariamente inviato da Fux
                      shit throwing contest...

                      read the whole thread again... is it really worth to argue which country is THE BEST and which is a piece of s...t? Calm down this is only a game.

                      we all know that miss of the world speak on russian..
                      again and again..


                      • #41
                        Originariamente inviato da Noricum
                        this a gaming forum, not political, stop discussions and continue it by private way.
                        italian user, or russian user (look at country flag)?
                        What is our life !? The game.


                        • #42
                          Originariamente inviato da RexMundi
                          What is our life !? The game.
                          my life is external to the forum |:


                          • #43
                            Originariamente inviato da Noricum
                            my life is external to the forum |:
                            i understand.. u think olny about forum and uo.. its ok...


                            • #44
                              Originariamente inviato da RexMundi
                              i understand.. u think olny about forum and uo.. its ok...
                              no matter to explain u more and more :\


                              • #45
                                but i can explain u
                                well.. u know.. no.. u don't..

                                A. Pushkin - "Pikovaja Dama" or "The Queen of Spades"
                                Music : P. Chajkovsky
                                Herman's aria - "What is our life ? A game."


                                Sto operando...