who has good automatic macro for taming give me plz fnurov@mail.ru
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Macro for taming
Originariamente inviato da SperanZinihttp://forum.gamesnet.it/showthread.php?t=269785 try taking a look here.
I mean this cannot be done as macro/away.
I follwed the ladder but if there is a way to apply the macro/away I have no clue how to do it.
Do you?
1) www.easyuo.com
2) -> public scripts library
3) puclic scripts library/animal taming
4)Public scripts library/animal taming/roadkills ultra tamer
5)Download roadkills ultra tamer
6) Train your taming to 60
7) take +10 taming jewels (10 ring / brace or how ever you want just get your taming to 80 by jewels)
8) Go to delucia (Felucca is nearly always empty and you can create spots to gz so noone can kill ya)
9) create spots to tame bulls with Roadkills spot maker
10) Start the macro and enjoy gaining taming fast and easy and AFK if you wish
11) When you have reached 90 taming remove one of the jewels
12) again when you have reached 90 remove the last jewel
13) Stop macro at 100 or 110 (Dont know will it gain to 120) and go tame anything you want