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I think that is Fuc***g not fair!

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  • #31
    if she is logged out, he cant, GM dont have acces to player database...

    ICQ 213266669
    GG: 2574667


    • #32
      Originariamente inviato da GhostRider
      Geezzz.... ppl form Poland STFU ! This isn't Moongate for f**ks sake ! Nobody is going to shake your hand just because you reported that case. Not fair not fair...bullshit... R U paying for playing here ? No ? then shut the f**k up and mind your own buisness. Now I'am embarrassed to say I'am for Poland...
      THIS is forum and i will place here whatever i want ;/ if Someone dont like it? FINE! Send report to GM maybe he'll delete this thread...

      Originariamente inviato da GhostRider
      I'am embarrassed to say I'am for Poland...
      omg you are so idiot, shame on you!

      Originariamente inviato da GhostRider
      R U paying for playing here
      no? because this is freeshard?
      Ultima modifica di Kelve; 31-12-2005, 13:19.

      ICQ 213266669
      GG: 2574667


      • #33
        Well, since I don't feel too patriotic U can't offend me that way.


        • #34
          Originariamente inviato da kelve
          if she is logged out, he cant, GM dont have acces to player database...
          LoL shutup plz u r just too stupid to live
          Chuck Norris detiene il record per numero di persone uccise in un videogioco: dodici. A tetris.


          • #35

            Originariamente inviato da kelve
            if she is logged out, he cant, GM dont have acces to player database...
            this is what you thing
            if he wants gm can take your pgs bring all them in the same house delete all banks and all their items , the run with all 5 pgs to haven and spam ''i'm a stfu noob''
            but they didnt make it cause they are fair


            • #36
              Originariamente inviato da kelve
              if she is logged out, he cant, GM dont have acces to player database...
              Or they can make your PGs running in straight line, dressed like indian, policeman, fireman, worker and motorcycle man singing

              "People around the world, join the love train, the love train..."

              Er... I forgot... they're not wearing their pants
              -->Firma Irregolare - Editata. Loki UoSuperMod<--

              La frase che leggete in ciano mi ha causato seri problemi a livello cerebrale... Oggi a Napoli ci sono circa 31°C ed un'umidità del 92%, sto sudando come un suino selvatico abbandonato nel sahara ed ho pure mal di testa... Ed io, in queste condizioni, dovrei mettermi a pensare una nuova signa?
              Mi sa che per un po' starò senza signa...


              • #37
                gm can do what ever he wants, loki created the shard....i bet she wouldnt steal or use the weapon, because loki could do what ever he wanted..he could ban her from server, etc...anyway,i think its anti-etical do something like that, but i agree with the last 10 posts that say that the guy who created the thread is just jealous and paranoic


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